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November 1971
four different languages. A rival firm
operates a 24-hour phone service. A
third firm mails out monthly horoscopes
- for a fee, of course.
Sorne astrologers, such as Carroll
Righter of Hollywood, conduct their
businesses almost as if they were con–
sulting physicians. Righter charges
according to ability to pay. The phone
rings in his office, and he sometimes has
2:30 a.m. calls from as far away as
Hong Kong. But if he doesn't get
nighttime calls, he says he begins to
"feel not needed."
Astrology is the basis of the rock
which lists a company
astrologer among the credits in the
program. Its opening dates on Broad–
way and in London, Los Angeles, Mun–
ich, Stockholm and Copenhagen were
all carefully planned by the "signs."
Farmers and ranchers have raised
crops and cattle by the zodiac for
centuries. But even today many farm al–
manacs and calendars have a horoscope
by which one can plant corn, harvest
wheat, or plan the spring roundup.
Astrology is one aspect of twentieth–
century life in which the ancient Baby–
lonians would feel perfectly at home.
Sorne Miscellaneous Superstitions
For the millions who would not asso–
ciate themselves with any of the afore–
mentioned "cults," there is still
widespread superstition, often just an
offshoot of astrology, witchcraft, or the
According to one estimate, there are
20 million people in the United States
alone who actually carry with them a
rabbit's foot oc other good-luck charros.
This does oot ioclude millions more
who cross their fingers, knock on wood,
cower before black cats, throw salt on
their shoulder, or experience triskai–
dekaphobia ( fear of the number 13).
The next time you ride an elevator in a
building with fourteen or more stories,
look for fioor 13. You will probably
find it.
According to tradition, the U. S.
Navy will not launch a ship on Friday
or the 13th of the month. Yet a recent
survey of major air crashes saw no
particularly great concentcation on Fri–
day or any other day and
Top photo, woodcut depicts
burning of witches by the lnquisi–
tion in a German morketplace
during the Middle Ages. Todoy
society has come full circle, toler–
ating every aspect of the occult.
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