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Exercise can help take off
pounds while putting an out-of–
shape body back into condition.
A strenuous sport like handball
(abovel will burn more calories
than bicycle riding (below), but
both are enjoyable and benefi–
cia! forms of exercise.
grease. Our complete life-style has
changed. And with the chaage has come
extra weight.
What kind of exercise helps you lose
weight? Intensive cardiovascular sports
such as handball, basketball, tennis, or
squash buco up 10 calories a minute, or
600 per hour. True, that's less than an
average meal's worth of calories, but an
hour of such exercise for
days a
week burns off over a
a week!
This is in addition to your weight loss
based on better eating habits.
Most overu;eight people sho11id not
j11mp into sttch heavy activity imme–
diately, tvithottt a doctor's approval.
most overweight people over 40, a lot
of brisk daily walking is more appro·
priate. Walking burns 5 calories a mio·
ute ( for a 150-pound person walking
miles per hour), or 300 calories
per hour.
Walk to work orto a bus stop if pos·
sible, then walk as much as possible
while at work or home.
neither of
these activities are possible, take an eve–
ning walk alone or with the fami ly ( if
safe to walk alone on your streets!).
Many doctors endorse walking as the
best all-around exercise for most over–
Exercise for Life
Remember that the "way of life"
principie applies in exercise as well as
dieting. One day a week will make very
little difference, but
help - if continued as a lifetime
It is important to realize that
is one of the hardest ways to
"diet." A change in eating habits is of
primary importance, since a fat person
is highly limited in the amount of exer·
he or she
do. Even in normal
sitting, standing, or walking activities,
obese people are much less active, by
actual motion studies, than physically
trim people.
But the role of exercise in weight
control should not be ridiculed as it
sometimes is. Many feel exercise can't
burn up many calories, or that if they
exercise there will be an automatic
increase in appetite to cancel out the
good effects.
The facts prove otherwise. Harvard
nutritionist Jean Mayer states, "Too
often, these misstatements have been
popularized by clinicians and nutri·
tionists wbo, though well and exten·
sively informed in other matters, have
never tested the validity of these
particular propositions." The very fact
that farmers "fatten up" their livestock
by preventing exercise (by penning
them in) shows the ridiculousness of
the "no-exercise" school.
Devising YOUR Plan
The proper kind of weight loss plan
frees you up, allows snacks, breaks, and
enjoyment. The right plan for you fits
your needs, fits your schedule, fits your
fatness and fitness.
frees you to get
your real kicks out of life instead of
food. You'll get new enjoyment out of
your work, your friends, family and
hobby. Food will be on the "back
burner" of your mind.
To repeat the basic principies, your
program should indude:
Fewer calories eaten, through
a program of eating
right foods.
2. More calories burned up by a
program of exercise.
3. A life-long way of living; food
you can live with the rest of
your life.
4. A slow, deliberate diet, allow–
ing at least a month for each
10 pounds overweight.
5. The help of others - your
family, doctor, and friends.
6. A motivation based on longer
life, freedom from compulsive
eating, and
pursuit of hap–
7. Drive, resourcefulness, and
will take character. But the
successful reducers can tell you by expe·
rience it will be fantastically rewarding,
and remarkably enjoyable! Many people
that we talked with, who had been
overweight for years before reducing,
felt like "new people." They
felt younger, healthier, had a brighter
outlook on life and were generally
much happier. Many remarked they
didn't understand why they hadn't re·
duced a long time ago.
And more important, they have expe·
rienced a deep and profound sense of
personal accomplishment. That accom·
plishment will
yours if you follow
these principies.
you really want to be a new per·
son, and you don't have a workable
plan to lose weight, seek help from a
qualified nutritionist today. Plan your
course of action. Start your weight-los–
ing campaign tomorrow morning - it's
the first day of the rest of your life. O