Page 9 - 1970S

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All types of environmental
pollution threatened eco–
logical upsets on a world–
wide scale. Above photo
shows paper mili waste in
Wisconsin River. left, suc–
cessive views of Boston,
Massachusetts show pro–
gressively worsening
Soclety Photot
recorded a continuous balance of pay–
mcnts surplus of severa! billion dollacs a
year during the latter part of the decade.
In the military field, West Germany's
rearmament program progressed to
whcre thc Federal Republic now pos–
sesscs the second most powerful force in
thc NATO alliance, after the
The new coalition government headed
by Socialist Willy Brandt is boldly ex–
ploring ncw relationships with the Soviet
Union and other East European com–
munist regimes.
There is even talk of a new non–
aggression pact between Bonn and Mos–
cow, very likcly encompassing most of
East and West Europe.
The future: Look for Germany to
start "calling the tune" in Europe and
exert her powerful inAuence even more
within Europe's booming Common
Japan - Giant of Asia
Japan's astounding economic success
surpassed even the "Economic Miracle"
of West Germaoy. With a growth rate
running around 10 percent a year and
cven more in 1969, Japan experienced a
phenomenal growth rate during the
By the end of the decade, Japan
ranked second only to the United States
in the non-Communi st world in her
Gross National Product, surpassing even
Wcst Germany.
During the Sixties, Japan cast off her
previous image of producer of cheap
goods, and acquired prestige as one of
the world's most efficient, techno–
logically based competitors. Her giant
industrial concerns nailed clown first
place in the world in shipbuilding, mo–
torcycles and radios; second in oil
refining, television sets, cameras and
watches; third in steel and electric
While Japan's national ''Self Defense
Forces" remained relatively small by the
end of 1969, there has been increased
support, especially among inAuential ín–
dustrialists, for developing a stronger
and more independent military posture.
Even the idea of eventually acquiring