Page 884 - 1970S

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of the conversation probably will be
with Chou.
Well, here we go again
in this
fast-accelerating turbulent world, the
American President plans to visit Red
China on a PEACE mission.
For 6,000 years kings, emperors,
presidents, governments, have been
fighting for PEACE. They are still
But there is NO PEACE.
WHY have aU the efforts of govern–
ments and rulers for 6,000 years been
Cause for Every Effect
I repeat again and again - there is
of necessity a CAUSE for every effect.
Everything is a matter of CAUSE and
But humanity seems always to ignore
the CAUSE and try to deal with the
1 repeat again - there are the broad
overall TWO WAYS of life: GET, and
GIVE! They travel in opposite directions.
The world's governments, as well as its
industry, commerce, business, sports,
society, have all been based on the way
of "GET" - of greed, lust, selfishness,
competition, jealousy, envy, unconcern
for others - rejection of God and of
And that is the CAUSE of war, strife,
violence, chaos !
We have fought wars to END all
wars. They didn't - and won't!
PLAIN TRUTH, Ambassador
College, and associated enterprises are
by strife, by fighting, by
political or military means. We work
for WORLD PEACE, through right EDU·
CATION - by teaching THE WAY to
PEACE! We can't enforce THAT WAY on
the world - or even on our readers,
listeners or viewers. The use of FORCE
is not our commission.
But we now are fast approaching the
day when, if the world will NOT heed
this activity of love and peace, all
humans will be staking their lives on
WHETHER there exists the LMNG GOD
of supreme supernatural POWER to TAKE
OVER, and by irresistible FORCE compel
the world to turn to the way of "love"
- of outgoing concern for the welfare
of others - of cooperation, service,
helping, sharing. The WAY that causes
happiness, joy, prosperity
(Contintted from page
intestines, and otber protective organs
divert many dangerous chemicals from
absorption into tissues. But upon
a chemical, the drug enters
the bloodstream directly through the
thin membranes of the lungs. There
is precious little protectioo against an
inhaled chemical.
Ooe thing is for sure - DDVP kills
flies! And a fly is a pretty hardy little
critter. Flies bave become so immune to
DDT ("kid's stuff" to them), that they
can take one full drop of
(the equivalent of 14 pounds on the
skin of a 200-pound man) and survive
quite well, thank you
What biologists
call "superfly" results in just 25 gener–
ations of exposed flies.
such a "superfly," who survives a
lot of hostile environments, is killed in
a "fiyby" near a wax strip, doesn't it
make you somewhat suspicious that if
you can hang sorne nerve gas in your
kitchen which attacks the hardy fly, it
might be doing something to YOU?
Don't wait for the total proof to
come in. The chemical blunders of his–
tory show that approach to be a danger–
ous gamble. An investment in a screen
door aod a good fly-swatter will be
cheaper both ways.
LINDANE- Dangerous,
lilegal, Yet Available
Lindane has much the same history as
DDVP, only lindane
one of the
stronger members of the chlorioated
hydrocarbon family (like DDT), not
an organic phosphate. Lindane is
the gamma isomer of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6-hexachlorocydohexane, called (incor–
rectly) BHC - if that helps.
Lindane was first registered for use in
1951, and by 1953 the Public Health
Service warned the Food and Drug
Administration that lindane was unsafe.
But the circumstantial evidence did not
become "proof" for over a decade, and
it was 18 years after inception - in
1969 - that the U.S.D.A. removed
lindane from the approved Iist of
Today, after 20 years' use, lindane
vaporizers and fumigators are still being
sold. This is due to the seemingly never–
ending series of appeals and hearings
requested by the industry. Instead of
removing the suspect poison from the
market while hearings determine its
final guilt, the courts take the strange
position of allowing the accused chem–
ical to sell freely while on trial.
Lindane, and its cousin BHC, have
been linked directly with leukemia and
other blood diseases. "Lindane has been
implicated directly or circumstantially in
cases of serious bone marrow failure,"
according to a government report, as
well as aplastic anemia and diseases of
the central nervous system.
Plants treated with lindane or BHC
"became monstrously deformed with tu·
morlike swellings on their roots. Their
cells grew in size, being swollen with
chromosomes which doubled in number"
(Rache! Carson,
Silent Spring,
p. 19).
As in DDVP, no Iong-term tests to
determine the effects of lindane inbala–
tion have been conducted
is known
that lindane ingestion is
as lethal
as DDT - seven to fourteen grams or
less is "acutely poisonous to human
beings" (the whíte lindane crystals are
sold in 14-gram packets, and have been
mistakenly used as sugar). But inhala–
tion is conceivably more dangerous than
The pyrethrins are a natural fam–
ily of pesticides derived from a
chrysanthemum-type flower, pyrethrum.
Combined with piperonyl butoxide
(PB) and a Freon propellant, they
provide the main ingredients for sorne
of the common household bug sprays.
Pyrethrins are relatively weak,
pared to DDVP or lindane, but when
combined with these other ingredients
(PB and Freon), evidence indicates