September 197
fresh, natural foods. Not only is the consumer eating more
but he is paying for so doing.
Too many shoppers lack the knowledge to shop wisely
and economically. Shopping for food has become a com–
plicated chore with supermarkets offering as many as 8,000 to
10,000 items. There is, however, one sound way to cut
through the inadequate information, the tempting photo–
graphs, gross claims and other misleading advertísing in rela–
tion to the food market. That is, remember to purchase,
whenever possible, fresh frui ts and vegetables, fresh meat and
natural products. By avoiding the "convenience food" market,
you will save money and time and provide the family with
proper nutrition.
Should Pregnant Mothers Travel?
lt ís always wise to check with the family physician or
obstetrician before undertaking any lengthy trip during preg·
nancy. In the first months of pregnancy a woman in good
health should encounter no difficulties when doing a moder–
ate amount of traveling. However, as the pregnancy advances
or if the mother has had past pregnancy problems such as
miscarriage, premature birth or violent nausea, long trips
taken only with counsel and caution.
According to Dr. Keith P. Russell, Senior Obstetrician
and Gynecologist of the Moore-White Medica! Clinic in Los
Angeles, California, pregnant women require at least two
periods of rest besides their regular nightly sleep. The rest
period should be about 45 minutes to an hour in the morning
and perhaps twice this length in the afternoon.
Therefore, it is necessary to provide ample rest time as
part of any expectant mother's traveling plans. And as preg–
nancy advances, the need for rest is likely to increase. This
makes it less advisable for a pregnant woman to go on any
long trip - especially by automobile.
a lengthy automobile
trip must be taken, it should be broken up every hour with a
rest stop and a brief walk.
According to sorne authorities, trains or planes are the
best modes of transportation if pregnant women must travel.
Airlines, however, may require a certificate from an expectant
mother's obstetrician approving her flight during her last two
months of pregnaocy. Certainly it is wisest to stay in ooe's
home area during these critica! final mooths.
Minibike Hazards
Studies show that minibikes are not safe for childreo
and probably not safe for adults. This conclusion was reached
following a safety survey of sorne 86 minibikes produced by
the leading minibike manufacturers.
Accordiog to their report, the majority of minibikes have
poor stability and lack ease of handling. This could prove ex–
tremely hazardous when traveling the 20 to 30 miles per hour
that many mínibikes are capable of doing. Sorne have unsafe
brakes, uncovered flywheels and exhaust pipes dangerously
close to the dríver's left leg. The noise leve! on most min–
ibikes is at or near the danger leve!.
after careful consideratioo you do decide to buy a
minibike for yourself or your child - follow this advice:
Don't buy one that has obviously unsafe features.
Before buying your child a minibike
sure he's old
enough to properly maintain it and responsible enough to
safely ride it. Minibikes should not be ridden on the streets.
That's where most rninibike fatalities occur.
Off the
street, with safety helmet and clothing offering pro–
tection from scratches and obrasions.
Keep in mind that minibikes are like miniature mo–
torcycles. They are subject to the same riding and protective
clothing safety requirements - helmet, full-length trousers,
long sleeves and full shoes or boots.
Why Breakfast ls lmportant
A number of studies reveal that skipping breakfast habi–
tually or just eating the proverbial "toast and coffee" or
"donuts and coffee," leaves a person less efficient, more irri–
table and fatigued - not feeling bis best and not able to do
his best work.
In one study of 3,500 Massachusetts high school stu–
dents, the following effects were noted: By mid-morning
those students who didn't eat breakfast produced less work,
were physically less steady and took longer to make decisions.
Another study used 200 volunteers who had differing
breakfast menus. Those who only drank black coffee suffered
various reactions such as lassitude, irritability, nervousness,
hunger, fatigue, exhaustion and headaches. These grew worse
as the morning progressed. Those who ate donuts and coffee
with sugar and cream for breakfast suffered inefficiency and
fatigue within an hour after eating.
Those who ate well-balanced breakfasts, consisting of
fruit, whole-grain cereal, eggs and milk, were found to be
most alert and efficient.