August 1971
host of other expensíve acttvttles. Besides being expensive,
these usual entertainment activities can often be enervating
and frustrating.
For a change of pace and a more relaxed evening or
afternoon's entertainment, try these inexpensive family enter–
tainment suggestions:
family get-togethers.
Invite another family over
for ao inexpensive pot luck dinner - each family contrib–
uting part of the mea!. Invest in a hand-cranked ice cream
maker. Everybody can take a turn cranking it - childreo too.
The entire occasion can center around the evening meal,
coupled with conversation in a relaxed family atmosphere.
Family games can be extra fun.
For inexpeosive outside family entertainment ideas con–
tact or visit your local convention and visitor's bureau, tourist
information center or chamber of commerce.
These nonprofit agencies have a wealth of information
about events, points of interest, historical sites, factory tours
and you name it, that are generally free - interesting things
to see and do.
Don't forget about trips to the zoo, family hiking, bicy–
cling, picnicking and other relaxing, family entertainment
activities we sometimes overlook in today's fast-paced world
of modero entertainment.
Prevent Auto Accidents
Over 200,000 people worldwide are killed and millions
injured every year in motor vehide accidents. In the United
States, three times as. many Americans were killed in motor
vehicle accidents from 1900 to 1969 as were killed in
battle in all Amedcan-fought wars from the American Revo–
lutionary War of 1776 to the present Vietnam conflict!
Driving a motor vehicle
a responsibility which should
not be taken lightly or carelessly. Failure to observe the fol–
lowing driving tips is the cause for the majority of motor
vehicle accidents:
lnvest in yottr car's upkeep.
Defective brakes, worn
tires or other mechanical defects are a hazard to you and the
other driver on the road. lt's unwise to cut financia! corners
with your
Maintain a safe speed.
In the United States, driving
too fast or too fast for road conditions was responsible for
one third of all fatal motor vehicle accidents. Compensate for
adverse weather conditions and night driving by reducing
your speed - 30 miles per hour may be too fast under certain
road conditions even though the posted speed limit reads 65
miles per hour.
Avoid drinking and driving.
One out of every 50
drivers is driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
Alcohol is indicated as a factor in at least half of all fatal
motor vehicle accidents in the United States. According to the
National Safety Council, it takes a person at least one hour
per average drink to regain the muscular coordination, visual
acuity, and good judgment needed to operate a motor vehicle.
Keep a safe distance.
Allow at least one car length's
distance for every ten miles per hour between you and the car
in front - more during adverse weather conditions. Drop
back to the proper distance even when irresponsible drivers cut
in between you and the car in front.
Be alert and attentive.
Keep aware of what is going
on behind you and to your sides as well as what is going on
in front of you. Don't overdríve to the point you're not alert.
On long trips take a break every two hours.
Pasten your safety belts.
This is a proveo life saver
of serious injury.
Tips for Women Motorists
Law enforcement o.fficials recommend that women mo–
torísts observe the following security precautions.
Keep your car in sormd condition.
Don't take a chance
on getting a flat because of a worn tire or becomiog stalled
due to mechanícal troubles.
Always check the gas ga11ge befo,·e starting off -
even if
it's only for a short drive to the store and back.
you run out of gas, have a flat or develop engine
trouble on a lonely stretch of road, do the following:
Pull over to the side of the road as far as possible.
dark, put on your emergency flashers or parking lights as well
as the inside cab lights. Get out of the car and
raise the hood
(bonnet in Britain). Tie a handkerchief or something similar,
if you have it, to the radio antenna or sorne other obvious
spot. Get back into the car,
lock the doors and rol! up the
The raised hood and handkerchief will signa! that
you need help because of car trouble.
Wait for a police cae to come by.
Don't take chances
openíng your locked car door to strangers. Simply roll the
window down far enough to be able to talk to him.
stranger honestly wants to help, he'll understand your desire
to stay in your locked car while he goes for help, fixes your
flat tire or puts sorne gas in your car's gas tank.
Of course, if you have automobile troubles in town or
close to a gas station these precautions may not be necessa.ry.
In that case you can simply walk to the nea.rest store, gas
station, business or phone booth to phone for help.
Nutritional Baby Food at Lower Cost
When it is time to start feeding your baby solids, it's not
necessary to buy the expensive canned baby foods in the store.
Canned baby food is highly processed. As a result, much of
the nutritional value in the food is lost. In addition, many
baby foods have too high a level of sodium (salt), proveo to
be detrimental to a baby's health. Also, harmful preservatives
and flavoring or coloring agents are added to sorne baby
You can actually blend or strain your own table foods
for baby with about as little fuss or bother as it takes to use
the "convenient" canned baby foods. You could save an esti–
mated 300 dollars per year and actually be giving your baby
more nutritious food.
A good food bleoder can be obtained for as líttle as 25
dollars. But even better, you can buy a Foley or Comet food
mill for about four to five dollars that will do the job just as
well. Some mothers simply mash theír regular table vege–
tables, meat and fruit for the baby with a fork.