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what you cando
Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Nitrates, Nitrites- and Cancer
There are over 600 food additives on the "generally rec–
ognized as safe" list. But research on sorne of these additives
( cyclamates for example) has shown that they are oot all
safe. Recently, some researchers have been questioning the use
of nitrates and nitrites.
Nitrates and
nitri tes are used in the United States as
preservatives and color retainers in smoked fish and meats -
sable, chad, salmon, corned beef, frankfurters, luncheon
meats, baby-food meats and others.
five Food and Drug Administration researchers reported
in the March-April Jouroal of Agricultura! aod Food Chem–
istry that nitrates and oitrites combine with natural secondary
amines in foodstuffs to produce N-nitroso compounds. N–
nitrosamines have been described by other researchers as "one
of the most formidable and versatile groups of carcioogens
yet discovered." Carcinogens are cancer-produciog
inciting agents.
Don't gamble with your health and the health of your
family. Avoid foods containing ni trates and
Check the ingredients list found on food packages to see if
questionable additives are being used.
Avoid Hidden Toy Dangers
The U. S. Public Health Service has pointed out that
toys annually injure an estimated 700,000 children in the
United States. Sometimes these injuries are caused by toys
that seem perfeetly safe and harmless.
Here are sorne suggestions to keep in mind when
purchasing toys for children:
Be careful of dolls made with easily twisted–
off arms, legs and heads. Sharp spikes used to hold such dolls
together become exposed. Also be careful of dolls with but–
eyes oc
other attachmeots that can be chewed off and
swallowed by an infant or toddler.
Buy rattles that are non-breakable and large
enough that they can't be swallowed. Look for sharp edges
which might cause cuts. Avoid soft plastics which
an infant or toddler can chew on - possibly bitiog off a
piece, swallowing it and choking.
Toys -
It is unwise to buy toys with
long cords foc
infants and small toddlers. There is danger that an infant
may become entangled in the cord .1nd strangle.
Don't give children under five uninBated
balloons. Though a ballooo is seemingly one of the safest of
all toys - it can be a killer! Children have actually choked to
death on balloons. This can happen when a small child,
instead of blowing out, sucks in, drawing the balloon down
his throat, blocking off his air passage.
Power Lawn Mower Safety
Each year multiple thousands are injured by power lawn
mower mishaps.
If you use a power lawn mower, follow these safety
suggestions recommended by the National Safety Council to
avoid accidents:
- Rake your lawn of all debris before mowing. On
rotary lawn mowers especially, the blade tips whirl at speeds
of hundreds of miles per hour. A small rock
object can be
picked up and hurled like a fired bullet, putting out an eye or
causing sorne other injury.
- Keep bystanders away from the area you are mowing.
Bystanders have been hit by propelled objects aod children
have been burned when bumping into hot exhaust pipes.
- Mow only when the grass is dry. According to the
National Safety Council, thousands of toes are amputated or
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mangled every year when feet slip under the blade housing.
- Wear shoes when using power mowers.
- Shut off the motor and disconnect the spark plug
wire before cleaning or making adjustments.
- Always shut the motor off when mower is to be left
- Refuel outdoors, never while the motor is still hot or
Get On a Cash Basis
Many people don't realize why the credit system is so
popular with businessmen. The reason is simple. It makes