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July 1971
uncontrolled human nature are
of uncorrected causes. Greed, self–
ishness, lust, human vanity and conceit
of theft, crime, lying,
cheating, adultery and all the other out–
ward manifestations of those causes.
One's environment does not create the
evil characteristics of human nature; it
merely channels those characteristics
clown certain paths of expression.
Accomplishing the Impossible
Ultimately, human nature must be
changed, before "the good life" can be
lived and enjoyed by al!. But how?
Ao aocient prophet and philosopher,
lsaiah, spoke of a time when na–
tions would beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into
pruning hooks. He spoke of a time
when nation would not lift up sword
against nation any more.
In this milleoníum of peace, "inhabi–
tants of the world will
leam ,·igh–
That is, to
right. Certainly, no ideology, no philos–
ophy, no government or ruler or educa–
tional system has ever caused peoplc to
"learn righteousness." That would be
tantamount to remolding human nature.
And, heretofore, human naturc has
proveo too stubborn to be reshaped.
Yet, this is exactly what is necessary if
we are to have any kind of utopian
state, any true "good life."
A "Utopía of Reconstructioo" - the
words of Lewis Mumford - is what
this world needs. He characterized
utopía - the good life - as needing
"a new set of habits, a fresh scale of
values, a different net of relationships
and institutions, and ... an alteration of
the physical and mental characteristics
of the people chosen"
(The Story
by Lewis Mumford, Viking
Press, N.
Y., 1962,
But how can such changes be brought
about? Human nature itself cannot be
altered by governmental fiat. A dictato–
rial, despotic government can
citizens for a time to follow a particular
set of philosophical principies.
But no matter how sincere the
ideology - as Communism - there is
something diabolically wrong with the
basic motivation behind these govern–
war has not overthrown des–
potic states, revolts by irate citizens have.
Realizing the history of oppressive
govcrnments, learned men recoil from
the thought of despotic, autocratic ruler–
ship forcing the citizenry into a pre–
conceived mold.
In a study of utopian systems through–
out history, Lewis Mumford coocluded:
"1 was aware of the dictatorial ten–
dencies of most classic utopías. They
sought to impose a
monolithic dis–
upon all the varied activities and
interplaying interests of human society,
ct·eating mt Ot'der too inflexible,
a system of government too centralized
and absolute, to permit any change that
would disturb the pattern or meet the
new exigencies of life. In other words,
each utopía was a
c/osed society
prevention of hmnm1 grouth"
World government is an absolute es–
sentía! to bringing the good life for al!.
But it must be a
government, with
wise laws and power to quell wars and
enforce peace for
citizens. Yet, it
must go one step farther. lt must be
composed of human beings with a new
way of thinking instilled in their minds.
How is this to be accomplished?
There must be a moral and spiritual law
human nature. A Utopía of
Reconstruction must focus on the re–
construction of the human mind.
Herein líes the only way men will
ever discover a lasting utopía, the brim–
ful good life. A law of righteousness -
of doing and being right - must be
written into the very minds of human
beings. This law must be oo a higher
moral plane than the laws enacted by
fallible human beings. As one ancient
visionary, Jeremiah, put it: "After those
days [of the present world system],
saith the Lord, 1 will put my Jaw in
their inward parts, and write it in their
hearts; and will be their God, and they
shall be my people" (Jer.
Such ideals are indeed visionary; and
rnost, by today's rnaterialistic standards,
would scoff at the idea that there is a
God who can effect such changes. But
who has offered a better idea? All
utopian plans of men have uniformly
failed. Who else but a Supreme Guid–
ing Force has the power to bring about
Utopía? O
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H. ArmJirong Roberl$
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