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Advertisements counsel us: "Enjoy life, buy
our product,
to where the action
life begins in
our new
home/' In
it's a world where everyone seeks his
hopes to find the really
life in doing
so. But
there's a MISSING DIMENSION in the search
and abundant
living. Read here what
foil to consider.
Jerry Gent ry
restless families
by the hundreds of thousands
scramble into cars or campees.
Automobiles and trailers loaded with
the paraphernalia of pleasure - boats,
dune buggies, motorcycles, stereo equip–
ment, television sets, radios, electronic
musical instruments - careen down
crowded freeways.
They al! flee to the same national
parks, the same pleasure places, the
same wide open spaces. All this mobile
madness is part of the search for relaxa–
tion and a little taste of happiness.
Never, it seems, have humans so fer–
vently desired to "get away from it all."
But a weekend change isn't enough
for many.
Americans on the move keep
magazine publishers busy changing
addresses. City people flee to the sub–
urbs to live in tract homes advertised,
"For city people who like to live in the
country" or "the town that grows in the
Meaowhile, farm dwellers and
citizens of rural communities flock to
the big cities - two million in the last
decade and sorne 20 miJ!ion during the
last 30 years. With visions of high–
paying jobs and gold-paved streets, these
country folk flock to decaying cities
from which
millions of city dwellers
fervently flee.
In al! this, Americans are looking for
the good life - a life of prosperity,
peace of mind, fulfillment. Yet, some–
how the good life eludes them. Not
only Americans, of course. Our whole
Western industrialized world is made
up of searching, uneasy people - look–
ing for greener grass just over the hill.
We're Riding a Monster
The noted philosopher Joseph Wood
Krutch has said of our way of life,
"Ours is not only the richest and most
powerful civilization that ever existed,
but also one of the most uneasy both
without and within."
Krutch went on to say, "The monster
we have called into existence must be
looked after, and he is more demanding
of time and attention than the creations
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