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These judgmeots leave very littJe doubt
that marijuana is not only
dtmgero/IJ lo
but also that
(UPI, March 4,
Another effect of marijuana smok–
ing, said Dr. Hall, is the loss of self–
confidence, fears of impotence, leadiog
to despondency which could develop
ioto a depressive psychosis, "a serious
mental condition that often associates
itself with the desire to commit suicide"
Other Findings
Evidence is also coming to light that
marijuana does cause
b1•ai11 injmy
sorne cases. Dr. Sidney Cohen, former
director of narcotic studies at the U. S.
National Institutes of Mental Health,
recently reported that "black-outs" or
memory lapses become more frequent
among marijuana users and tend to last
Scientists agree •hat signs of psy–
chological addiction are common among
marijuana smokers. Recent studies also
show that heavy pot smokers do worse
in classes at school and are more prone
to drop out of school than non-users.
Extensive tests also are showing that
marijuana users are dangerous automo–
bile drivers, especially at night. Mari–
juana intensifies and prolongs the
effects of glare in the eyes, causing the
user to become quickly and more com–
pletely blinded by oncoming headlights.
Drivers under the influence of mari–
juana react as erratically as drunken
drivers. They exhibit poor judgment
and slow reaction time.
What about the long-term
tary effects of marijuana? Studies of
North Africa are providiog
sorne answers. In North Africa, large
numbers of smokers appear to drop out
of society altogether. They develop
maoy of the mental and physical
debilities that one
in chronic "skid
row" alcoholics.
What about going on to stronger
drugs? There is evidence that those who
come to lean on marijuana psycholog–
ically are likely to go on to stronger
drugs. Another major finding is that
many marijuana smokers are swinging
to the abuse of alcohol.
Biochemistry of Mari juana
Precisely why marijuana affects the
human mind the way it does is not yet
known. The chemistry of marijuana is
still being researchcd.
Among the leading researchers in this
field is an Israelí team headed by Prof.
Raphael Mechoulam, of the Hebrew
University Pharmacy School, in Jerusa–
lem, Israel. He and his colleagues were
the first to isolate in pure form the active
constituent in marijuana. Experiments
on monkeys have indicated that Delta-
1-tetrahydrocannabinol ( which amounts
to only
percent of the inhaled or
ingested drug) is the ingredient that
causes the physiological and psychologi–
cal effects of marijuana on the user.
Professor Mechoulam poiots out that
although the effects of marijuana last
for hours, the active ingredient (THC)
largely disappears from the nervous sys–
tem within
minutes. He therefore
suggests that it is not THC itself which
affects the marijuana user's body and
miod, but a product which the body
metabolizes from the THC, called
And the body can appareotly gener–
ate progressively
of this metabolite
(as the necessary enzyme is "awak–
ened") - aeating progressively
and more dangerous "trances" from
supposedly "safe" levels of intoxication.
As to the mental effects of the drug?
Prof. Mechoulam unequivocally states
that marijuana shakes the mental bal–
ance of the user. He has recommended
strict international control of the chem–
icals which could be used by criminals
to synthesize artificial THC
Vol. 168, p. 1162,
Since scientists have isolated the
active compound
marijuana and have
learned how to reproduce it in the labo–
ratory, research is rapidJy cootinuing.
Many more revealing findings can be
expected. But already enough factual
cvidence has come to light proving that
marijuana is harmful and dangerous –
and should
be legalized!
Those who continue to "play around"
with marijuana are jeopardizing their
future. As increasing evídence, includ–
ing doctors' reports from Vietnam
shows, pot smoking can cause mental
illness, trigger psychosis, and lead to
A 2nd Marine Division communica–
tions N.C.O. recently told Plain Truth
editors that in a year of Vietnam duty
he saw severa! corpses who had been
killed by marijuana-crazed individuals.
But in that year he saw none killed
by Communist attack.
But even as the scientific evidence
against marijuana continues to mount,
the popularity of the drug among
collegc students has soared. A recent
Gallup poli shows that 42 percent of
college students admit they have tried
marijuana, compared to 22 percent in
the spring of
and only
in the spring of
you would like more timely iofor–
mation on this vital, controversia! sub–
ject, then be sure to write for our full–
color booklet entitled
Netv Facts abottt
You can hove your FREE copy
of this 48-page booklet by
writing to our address nearest
you, found in the staff box
inside front cover. lt answers
the questions everyone is ask–
ing about marijuana.
It explaios the real,
hidden dangers in pot smoking. Totally
objective, factual and well documented,
this booklet "tells it like it is."
have been tempted to smoke
pot - or have actually done so - theo
write for this booklet
and get the
Don't be careless with
This booklet is free, of course, dis–
tributed as a service in the public