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about this problem of going to college,
and How to be sure you choose the
right one?
I have jokingly said, many times,
that, like Jack Benny, I am only thirty–
nine. But there has been a note of
seriousness in that, for that is how I
even though I am now well past
the allotted threescore and ten.
But I have
as few meo ever
have. I have lived an active, dynamic,
much-travelled, fast-moving life. And
today I look back, with deep and very
gratifying satisfaction, on a life of
accomplish.ment that has been full,
abundant, interesting, even exciting, but
always rewarding. Of course there have
been problems to solve, obstacles to
hurdle. There have been, too, dis–
appointments and setbacks, for those
come to every life. They are the training
ground of d1aracter.
But I have come in contact with
numerous men supposedly "successful"
by generally accepted standards - men
who headed great and vast enterprises,
men whose bank accounts were full, but
their lives
I have known scores of multimillion–
aires - nearly al! of them unhappy!
Most certainly I do not consider poverty
a criterion of success, but after knowing
so many hundreds who became finan–
cially affluent, neither do I consider
acquisition of MONEY a proof of success.
There is
to life than earning a liv–
ing, though that is
of the necessary
And I have known wives of finan–
cially "successful" husbands - career
women - sorne who reached the top
the social ladder. They, too, were
unhappy, discontented.
But WHY are most people, even
though affluent in money and material
goods, still
UNsatisfied - frustrated - unhappy?
Should YOU not look forward to
something better than that?
you do not
something about it
it will be too late.
When I was only twenty-two, I was
sent throughout the United States as the
"Idea Man" of a national magazine
- interviewing businessmen, studying,
analyzing merchandising and general
business conditions, learning why one
man makes a success, another a failure,
m the management of his business.
AH my life since, I have studied
the CAUSES of success aod of failure
in life
the REASONS for so much
And when, more than twenty years
ago, it became my privilege and respon–
sibility to found an institution in the
field of higher education - Ambassa–
dor College - I talked about these
problems with a number of educators of
good rank in this business of education.
I discussed with them the facts that I
had found so many college graduates to
be actual failures in
not knowing
how to live
even though many were
financially "successful."
Said Dr. Packer, Cbancellor of
Higher Education for the State of Ore–
gon: "Mr. Armstrong, I envy your great
opportunity. We
there are serious
evils in our educational system. We
it is gripped tightly in the clutch
of a vicious materialism. Those of us at
the head of some of these large and vast
educational organizations are also in the
clutch of that system - even though we
see the evils, we are powerless to change
them. But, you, Mr. Armstrong, are not
bound by these fetters of tradition. You
are FREE to start anew - to RECAP·
retaining aH that has proveo
educational experience."
Dr. Packer by those words set the
motto of Ambassador College
What, after all , is basically, crimi–
nally, WRONG?
First, above all <:_lse, people are grop–
ing in the ciark, not knowing THE TRUE
The millions of even the supposedly
"successful" are spending lifetimes of
precious hours and strenuous efforts
toward wrong GOALS, false VALUES,
that fail to pay off! lt's like devoting
the energies of a li fetime chasing the
pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
- groping, open-mouthed, for the
mirage on a blister ing hot desert.
Do you want to struggle througb life
in that manner, only to end up frustra–
ted, disillusioned, too late to start al!
over again?
Life is a pretty serious thing. You
only live it ONCE!
What, then, is it that these hundreds
of university students and graduates dis–
cover they have
gotten in college -
WHY do they come to Ambassador
They have failed to obtain the very
BASICS of education - the basic FOUN·
DATION for living!
most necessary things you
need to learn are the real meaning and
PURPOSE of life - WHY we are alive,
the TRUE VALUES, distinguished from
the false (few, if any, of the greatest
educators and wealthiest millionaires
have ever learned this), and THE WAY
- the
that brings peace, hap–
piness, abundant well-being.
There is a C.AUSE for every effect.
There are REASONS for unhappy, frus–
t rated lives - among those who are
"successful" financially, socially, politi–
cally, or in usual channels of life. There
is a REASON for lack of PEACE in the
world : The heads of government
know the WAY
to peace!
they did,
would we not
a little of it?
Just training the intellect is NOT
Technical training in a line of spe–
cialization is NOT ENOUGH !
Millions have obtained that kind of
education - but it has led to unhappy
and unsuccessful lives!
has not pre–
pared these "educated" for
lt's Time to THINK
About This!
Two students graduated, then received
Master's degrees from one of the
most famous universities in the world.
They said they had spent the best
years of their lives cramming into
thcir minds useless or DEAD knowledge
- knowledge they could not now use.
Then they studied at Ambassador
College, where they learned the
of life, the real PURPOSE for
their existence - the real cause and
meaning of world conditions, and HQW
to adapt and adjust for the drastic
changes coming in the immediate
World Tomorrow.
Whether you are already in college
- or high school - or long past both,
you need to THINK about these facts!
LAWS of Success
There is a CAUSE for every result.
your life is to be TRULY successful,