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relationship between moral values and
mental health.
Applying this "new" concept in prac–
tica! situations, psychiatrists have been
at the results! Less than 10 per–
cent of inmates of the Leavenworth
prison who were taught moral responsi–
bility returned after being released
from prison, whereas the normal rate
was about 80 percent !
PsychologistS working with criminals
in Georgia prisons have attempted to
rehabilitate criminals by helping them
adopta moral code - actually based on
the Bible - which includes "!ove of
neighbor." Prisoners were taught the
precise meaning of words such as love,
law, neighbor, self, give, spirit, attitude,
Results of the program were impres–
sive. Careful psychological testiog
showed that about 80 percent of the
participants benefitted significantly from
the training program! The re-arrest of
probationers dropped from 22.5 percent
to 9 percent for the year involved
The Third Force,
p. 144).
The program was based on the belief
that there are moral
that govern
human behavior, just as there are physi–
cal laws pertaioiog to the material uní–
verse. Understanding and obeying these
laws leads to mental health and sound
Thus contrary to the old psychology,
and its strong opposition to fuced moral
values, some psychologists today are
beginning to see spiritual and moral
values as being very important in the
establishment of mental health ! More
and more psychologists are beginning to
see that it is the
of the indi–
vidual which determines bis behavior
and his mental health, and not his
environment (except as it affects his
Wbat does actual clinical evidence
indicate is the solution, then, to mental
illoess? The answer should be obvious.
There needs to be a new emphasis in
society on
moral val11es
instruction in
the moral, spiritual
which govern
human relationships.
And the foremost of these laws, psy–
chologists are beginning to see, is
Remarkable, isn't it, that the Bible said
this 1900 years ago!
The Need for Love
Clínica! experiments have demon–
strated that children need love - with–
out it, babies have died. "Experiments
with babies have demonstrated that
deprivation of !ove and affection early
in life can lead to serious problems,
even to the death of the infant. In many
cases serious neuroses can be traced back
to a lack of love in the early life of the
individual" (Goble,
The Third Force,
82) .
Today, psychologists are beginning to
see that love is not only a basic human
need, but they are beginning to see it is
the fundamental
to mental health.
Psychologist Erich Fromm writes:
"In the most general way, the active
character of love can be described by
stating that love is primarily
of Loving,
p. 22).
Says he: "Not he who
much is rich,
but he who
much. The hoarder
who is anxiously worried about losing
something is, psychologically speaking,
the poor, impoverished man, regardless
of how much he has" (p. 24).
The opposite of the giving, loving
person is the selfish person. Says
Fromm: "The
person is inter–
only in himself,
wants everything
for himself, feels no pleasure in giving,
but only in taking. The world outside is
looked at only from the standpoint of
what he can get out of it ..." (p. 60).
But what the selfish person does not
realize is that
ulfishness is the
-root of his tro11bles.
"leaves him
empty a11d fmstrated.
He is necessarily
unhappy and anxiously concerned to
snatch from life the satisfactions which
he blocks himself from attaining" (pp.
The Secret of Mental Health
The basic problem with many people
suffering mental illness is not that they
are "ill" but that they are
ocmpied with themselves.
Such people
tend to be self-centered, self-seeking,
overly self-conscious. The greater their
preoccupation with
or ''Number
One," the greater their suffering. When
they don't get what they want, they
retreat into their own dream
world where everything goes their way
are the center of attention !
May 1971
This attitude is the basic cause of
mental illness.
Learn to GIVE
Most people are concerned about
what other people are going to do for
them. Many people grow up thinking
the world owes them a living. They see
the world is a competitive jungle, and
so they join in, clawing and grasping
for success, status, and security. But
sooner or Jater they find out that suc–
cess, status, and security do not come
from seizing, grasping, acquiring, tak–
ing, or getting.
The only way to achieve mental
health is to develop an outgoing,
positive, helping, sharing,
approach to life and other people! You
to develop this approach to
In other words, rather than wait for
other people to love you and serve you,
you need to initiate the first step. You
need to start showing love and concern
for others, helping them, serving them,
sharing with them, giving to them.
Iostead of being concerned about self,
and "what's in it for me," you need to
become concerned for
and ask,
"What can I do for them?"
Nineteen huodred years ago Jesus
declared: "Jt is more blessed to give
than to receive." He taught a way of
life that is concerned with giving, shar–
ing, helping others. He taught a way
which leads to mental health and
Many moderns have ridiculed the
way of life taught in the Scriptures. The
whole world has rejected that way -
that philosophy - of life. Result? Look
at the headaches, hangovers, and hor–
rors facing this world today! Look
where the world has gotten by follow–
ing the way of greed, selfishness, lust,
competition, putting self first and being
uoconcerned about others! Look at the
This does not mean it is wrong to be
concerned about yourself, but that you
should not be
concerned about
yourself! We should love others
!ove ourselves - we should do to
we would have them do to us
( see Matt. 7:12, 22:39). Then you will
truly enjoy peace of mind and stability
mental healJh!