achieve m South Vietnam is part of a
process that has continued for a long
time" - does that kind of explanation
fire up with patriotism these young men
and cause them to want to enlist? Does
that kind of language cause hundreds of
thousands of young men to want to don
a uniform - and risk their lives - to
achieve "part of a process ?"
Communist Expansion
True, this former Seaetary of State
finally got around to saying that the
"PROCESS" was one of "preventing the
expansion and extension of Communist
domination by the use of force against
the weaker nations on the perimeter of
Communist power." And his was not
intended to be an emotional patriotism–
arousing speech to drive volunteers to
recruiting stations.
But my point is this: When the
United States entered World War
President Franklin D. Roosevelt himself
sway the American people with his
effective "Fireside Chats." When he
talked to the American public with feel –
ing about "dastardly attacks," and the
day of Pearl Harbor "living in infamy,"
he got over his message - he swayed
the people, got them behind the war -
made them know WHAT they were
fighting for and WHY they were in the
This Vietnam involvement has been
going on during the administrations of
Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, John–
son and Nixon - and we were even
becoming concerned during Mr. Tru–
man's administration.
these presi–
dents - or their Secretaries of State
- could not have gotten over the mes–
sage of the
of the Vietnam
involvement, why could they not have
sought out and used men who could ?
Why could they not have used such
slogans as: "TODA
Communist inva–
ders advance on South Vietnam -
TOMORROW they will invade our shores
"Orive back the Red INVADERS."
In other words, why do we allow
the American public - and much of
the world - into believing they are
"defenders" - "liberators" - "PEo–
PLE's REPUBLIC" when the TRUTH is
precise!y the opposite? They tell
people that we - the FREE people -
are "IMPERJALJSTS" - "aggressors" -
have always noticed that those who
ACCUSE - whether individuals or
nations- are themselves GUILTY of the
very thing of which they accuse others.
WHY have not United States admin–
istrations been able to MAKE PLAIN to
the people that it is the Communists
who are the imperialists, the aggressors,
the invaders ?
Actually U. S. officials speak so mud1
in terms of "we must fulfill our COM–
MITMENTS to the South Vietnamese,"
that Americans begin to believe we are
in the war merely to do the South Viet–
namese a favor - to fulfill sorne com–
mitment made years ago - the nature
of which most people know little or
nothing about - or even whether it
have been made.
"The Domino
Near the end of the Eisenhower
administration, and in the early 60s,
there was sorne talk of "the domino the–
ory." But
doubt that more than very
few knew much about it, or what it
was. Or that very few remember it
today. The theory was: "IF South Viet–
nam falls, al! nations in southeast Asia
fall, one by one." That is, next the
Communists would roll over and con–
quer Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malay–
sia, Singapore, Indonesia - and then
the United States did not stop their
aggressions and invasions at South Viet–
nam, it would be too late. They would
have gained such a grip on conquering
the whole world, we would be unable
to stop them before they invaded the
United States. And
that time they
would be so powerful they probably
could defeat us.
Actually, THAT was the reason the
United States became involved!
THAT is the true answer to WHY the
United States is in that war!
At that time, it looked like the Com–
munists were about to take over Sing–
apore and all Indonesia, with its 125
million people - fifth largest nation in
the world. Under President Sukarno it
looked like Indonesia was going Com–
munist. But that entire southeast Asian
May 1971
situation has changed since then. More
about that, later.
But now let me go back to the very
beginning, and hit the high-spots of
events affecting Vietnam in one, two,
three order - to the present. Let me
explain what has happened in all south–
east Asia since then - and what is the
state of things today!
Communist Phllosophy
Go, first, all the way back to the last
days of World War
The United
States then was still allied with Russia.
Long before World War
11 -
1927-28 -
leacned of a Communist
"Home Study Course" - a sort of cor–
respondence course, put out by the
Communist Party. I studied through
that enti re course. Here are the central,
basic, crux points in the entire Commu–
nist philosophy, purpose, conspiracy
and plan:
They admit "pure Communism" can–
not be practiced, or bring its people its
promised benefits, until THE WHOLE
WORLD is under its sway. lt is WORLD·
WIDE REVOLUTION - a conspiracy to
overthrow ALL governments in ALL
countries. It is NOT democracy. It is NOT
government OF the people, BY the
people, from the bottom up. lt is the
DlCTATORSHIP of the "proletariat." It is,
economically and socially, the planned
overthrow of the "bourgeoisie" -
capitali sts, industrialists, those who have
become successful and are EMPLOYERS
of labor - it professes to be govern–
ment for and by the WORKING CLASS.
However, the "working class" does
not rule - but the DICTATORSHIP by
a dique of roen at the top in the
Politbureau (in the U.S.S.R.) rules.
The Communist METHOD of waging
this world struggle is, 1st) propaganda
in all free countries, based on lying,
deception, misrepresentation, creating
confusion. 2nd) stirring up protest,
dividing other nations against them–
selves (especial!y the working class
against employers), organizing marches,
demonstrations, causing strikes, riots
and violence. 3rd) the use of sabotage
in free countries - plotting to shut
down the wheels of industry, trans–
portation, communication - virtually to
paralyze a nation. 4th) to fight guerrilla
warfare (as in Vietnam) . 5th) and,