Page 622 - 1970S

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collided -
one driven by a GI.
Unfortunately the crowd got out of
haod before the MP's or the Ryukyuan
police could arrive. Automobiles were
pushed into the middle of the street and
The MP's rushed in and did their
best to prevent the disorder from
spreading, but before order was restored
or 82 automobiles (American) were
pushed into the middle of the highway
and destroyed. Also a limited amount of
damage was done to buildings at that
The General, however, insisted that
there is no signiftcant hostility against
Americans. He said that he and his wife
circulate freely in Naha, in the dock
areas, and in the villages. He is recog–
nized everywhere, always greeting peo–
ple. And invariably he is greeted in
friendly fashion.
1 asked whether he feared further
outbreaks or riots before the reversion
takes place next year. He was emphatic
in saying he felt sure there was no
major likelihood of any large-scale out–
break, riot or violence.
He emphasized that there is a typical
American problem there. The Ameri–
cans are wealthier. They enjoy the better
things of life. Their living standard is
higher, and this is bound to cause sorne
feeling and sorne animosity toward
Americans. But he felt positive the feel–
ing is not widespread - there was no
fear of assault by the crowds.
What is the crux of this Okinawa
l t is just one more possible trouhle
spot in a troubled world. The problems
in tbe world are largely those of cov–
ERNMENT. AH history is a chronicle of
WARS, by rival GOVERNMENTS - wars
to overthrow GOVERNMENTS. History
has demonstrated that humans are not
capable of RULING THEMSELVES - as
long as humans are actuated by what we
There are TWO WAYS of living.
repeat. One 1 call the GET principie -
the other is the GIVE philosophy. The
one is competition, greed, vanity - the
desire to acguire, accumulate - the
attitude of self-concern only, having a
lack of concern for the good of others.
The other is the way of having con–
cero for the wclfare of others egual to
self-concern - being willing to serve,
aid, help, share.
The way of LOVE is simply the way
of outgoing concern for others equal to
self concern - loving your neighbor AS
Wruch way are
living? Are
you, REALLY? 0