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Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Don't Leave Children Alone
Nearly every day newspapcrs in large cities carry grisly
accounts of little children found dead in sorne deserted area –
the victims of child molestation or sorne other crime.
Equally heartrending are stories about little children
falling victim to needless accidents in or out of the home.
The National Safety Council reports that for children 1 to 14,
accidents claim more Iives than the six leading diseases
Leaviog children alone or to their own devices is one of
the main reasons why such sad occurreoces often happen. Pro–
tect your children.
Always be aware of where yom· chi/dren are and what
they are doing.
D on't allow them to roam the streets alone or
with the "gang."
they do, they are trouble bound, a target
for evil influeoces and for child molesters. At the same time,
a child left to himself without any supervision can get into an
accident even while a parent is home.
Don't leave young children alone at home or in the
There are too many things that can happen to young
children left alone. For example, while alone in the car, chil–
dren have been known
release the car's emergency brake,
allowing it to roll downhill, causing an accident.
Knotu your children's friends, where they
where they stay.
This is not being over protective, but is
being a responsible and concerned parent.
Before Buying A Home
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Every ten seconds another home is purchased in the
Unitcd States.
Purchasing a home is the biggest investment most fami–
lies cvcr makc. It involves a substantial outlay of ready cash,
besides a commitment to monthly mortgage payments for 20
to 30 years. Even with a no-down-payment mortgage, as much
as 700 dollars may be needed just to meet the dosing costs on
the purchase of a home.
of your ready cash into a clown payment
and dosing costs is uowise. A family should maintain ao
emergency cash reserve and have enough money to meet mov–
ing, settling-in and maintenance expenses incurred in the pur–
chase of a home. Also, it is generally unwise to spend more
than 25% of your monthly NET (not gross) income for
total housing needs - mortgage payments, taxes, insurance,
routine home maintenance and utiltties.
Therefore, don't rush into buying a home or aJlow your–
self to be rushed into buying a homc.
l-lonestly evaluate yo11r
family's finmtcial condition first.
Become familiar with all the factors involved in home-
buying. Your local library should have a number of valuable
books that tell you how to go about sebting and buying a
home. Anyone considering buying a home needs basic home–
buying knowledge in order to make a wise home purchase.
When Earthquakes Strike
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There are perhaps one million earth tremors yearly
around the world. Sorne 50,000 of these can be felt without
instruments. Of these earthquakes, between ten and one hun–
dred cause sorne damage.
Here are sorne steps you should take to help you avoid
injury or death when an earthquake strikes.
to out-guess a quake. Assume
world's worst - and act accordingly. Be alert but
If in an uncongested area, get out into the open.
lf you are downtown
inside a large building, stand
against a wall or get under a table or archway. Stay away
from windows. The idea is to be near the strongest support
in case the building thrcatcns to collapse, and also to be pro–
tectcd against flying dcbris and falliog objects.
3. However, don't run, especially clown stairs. Once
outside, you could lind yourself in a general stampede
Ambossodor Colloge
House domoged during Februory earthquoke in los
Angeles, California oreo.
and cither hurt, or get hurt by, other human beings.
outdoors, movc away from buildings - should
this be possible- but not und<:r power Jines.
5. Since light trcmors may indicatc the coming of