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urbs of their cities may
not be sotd;
it is their perpetua! possession" (Lev.
25:34). The head of the family con–
trolled the family estate until he died.
This one law alone is far-reaching in
its effect. Where there is land, there is
the possibility of food from the land.
This law also controlled what we might
term "Modern Technology." Industry
was spread out in family shops, which
gave industrial families the same social
structure as those in rural areas.
The real key to success for the ancient
Hebrew nation was a strong emphasis
on "family unity"! The elderly were
well cared for and the grandchildren
received priceless training.
When Elderly Are Important
In effect, the Hebrews utilized a
"Patriarchal System" in which the
elderly owned and controlled the land.
When they died the land inheritance
went to the eldest son, or was divided
among the children. There were no re–
tirement villages, no segregation by age.
The young depended on the old and
they loved their grandparents as long as
they lived according to the law.
The elderly were transmitters of
ture, and they taught the young. They
held key blocks of knowledge. The
elderly were encouraged to study, keep
themselves active, continue learning so
they would be wise and able to offer
counsel. The most important job the
elderly could possibly do was teach the
young. This forced them to keep their
minds active and alert.
For the ancient Hebrews, the
was important.
They r ealized the
importance of history. They taught and
retaught the Jessons learned in their his–
tory. Traditions were handed clown
from father to son, or grandfather to
grandson. Thus history did not need to
repeat itself, mistakes did not need to
recur. The elderly held and provided
these significant l(nks to the past. They
preserved not only national history but
family history and genealogy which
gave everyone a sense of unity and
made life more meaningful.
The family was the center of their
mode of life. Their society
oriented ... and the output of the aged
economically useful. More impor·
tant, they were respected, honored and
loved. There has never been a nation in
which the elderly had more honor,
respect and dignity than in this ancient
nation of Israel. The Scots, Irish and
Chinese applied the same principies in
more recent times with the same
Parents Providing For Children
Care for the aged was strictly com–
manded. "Thou shalt rise up before the
hoary head, and honour the face of the
old man" (Lev. 19 :32). Respect was
commanded and rigidly enforced as
the law was followed.
Today we point the finger at the chil–
dren and say, "You ought to be provid–
ing for your parents"! The Hebrew Law
stated: "For the children ought not to
lay up for the parents, but the parents
for the children" (Prov. 13:22; I1 Cor.
12:14). Today, in modern America,
the children are taxed to care for
their parents. Thus the elderly have
provided for by their children.
What honor is that?
No government today has been able
to care adequately for all its older
people. That is and ought to be -
where possible - a family matter, and
should be handled as such ! The proper
principie, if there is need to cace for the
elderly, was laid clown by a student of
the Hebrew law, the Apostle Paul: ''But
if any provide not for his own, and spe–
cially for those of his own house, he
hath denied the faith, and is worse than
an infidel" (I Tim. 5:8). In short, fam–
ily ought to care for family!
But what of those older people hav–
ing no family? This also was taken into
consideration. Rather than an elaborate
tax system reaching into the pockets of
the citizens for huge percentages of
their incomes, this ancient Hebrew
nation, Israel, had a specified percent of
the income of the nation assessed to
cover areas of need for those with no
visible means of support (Deuteronomy
In ancient Israel, the elderly held key
positions in the community, as "elders"
who handled many public responsi–
bilities reguiring judgment. As a result
they had the esteem, respect and honor
of those around them. Old age was
something looked forward to, "the lat-
March 1971
ter years, for which the first were
Respect for parents was considered so
important it is one of the Ten Com–
mandments. The fifth commandment
says, "Honour thy father and thy
mother: that thy days may be long upon
the land which the Lord thy God giveth
thee" (Ex. 20:12).
Precepts of sound Jinances and
detailed health laws were commanded
to be diligently taught. As a result, pov–
erty could be virtually eliminated and
citizens had good health -
throughout their senior years.
This ancient Hebrew system attacked
the ROOT CAUSE of the problems of the
elderly. Its laws could be applied today.
Except, as mentioned, it would require a
revolutionary new approach to prob–
lems. And few are willi,ng, much less
able, to put sweeping reforms into
our nations were willing to do so,
we would literally be the talk of the
world. Other nations would marvel -
be eager to understand HOW we
resolved the seemingly UNresolvable
problems of the eldedy.
We, like the Hebrew nation who was
instructed in these basic concepts would
be a model nation to the world. "Keep
therefore and do them" - the Hebrews
were told concerning the various stat–
utes - "for this is your wisdom and
your understanding in the sight of the
nations, which shall hear all these stat–
utes and say,
Sttre!y this great 11ation is
a wise and tmderstanding people"
(Deut. 4:6, 7).
Unless and until those laws are
applied we shall have our elderly poor,
our elderly with health problems, our
lonely and non-productive old people.
Obviously, you as an individual can–
not change all of society. However, per–
sonally, you can do something about
YOUR situation. The most important
action you can take is to discover how
your life successful while there
is still time.
you would like to understand the
principies of success - and how you
can apply them in your life now -
write for our FREE booklet
The Seven
Lau;s of S11cress.
will help you get
started on the right track. O