Page 537 - 1970S

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and four children walks free because of
his confession, not in spite of it. His
lawyer was not present to heac it.
Another confessed murderer walks our
streets a free man because the policc
held him too long - a matter of hours
- before formally charging him with
the crime he had voluntarily confessed."
The Results
No one can deny that the English–
speaking peoples of the world are fac–
ing a moral toboggan slide. Crime is up,
and the lawless elements are bolder
than ever before. Riots and rebellion
are now commonplace oot only in
America, but in Britain, Northern Ire–
land, Canada and Australia as well.
The statistics for forcible rape and all
sexual crimes are way up. And the pur–
veyors of filth and pornography are
having a heyday.
Speaking of America, noted sports–
writer Jim Murray commented that we
are "a country that shrinks away from
punishing its criminals, disciplining its
children and locking up
mad." He
likened it
a lamb defending the
lion's right to eat it and said, "the
Constitution was nevec conceived as a
shield for degeneracy. You start out
burning the flag and you end up burn–
ing Detroit. A young, vigorous country
is immobilized by bumper stickers, slo–
gans, neurotic students with their feet
on desks they couldn't make, pulling
clown universities they wouldn't know
how to rebuild."
Sorne of the
of our per–
missiveness and lawless society are the
• Crime in the U. S. is increasing
1tine times
as fast as population.
• One third of our firstborn chil–
dren in the United States from 1964
through 1966 were conceived out of
• In 1969 there were an estimated
400,000 illegitimatc births in the
United States.
• A recent survey disclosed that "at
least 50% of the female dropouts
from high school are pregnant."
• Today, venereal disease is out of
control in the United States. It is the
number-one communicable disease
and the number-two killer among
communicable diseases.
• More than one million American
women each year resort to illegitimate
abortions. An estimated 8,000 women
die every year from the consequences.
• Suicide is now the number-one
cause of death among all U. S. col–
lege students.
For decades we have followed the
urgings of the self-appointed "do-good–
ers" and ultra-liberals. And we have
bred a whole generation of makontents.
These undisciplined products of per–
missive homes, schools and colleges are
now beginning to disrupt and destroy
the very institutions which gave them
practicc anarchy.
We now have with us a vast segment
of society which is delinquent in its
responsibility to provide for itself.
Other vast numbers have found it
ímpossible to provide for themselves -
due to our upsíde-down socíety.
We all must pay and pay and
an attempt to rectify the omissions of
others. So the national economy is being
sapped to feed the products of per–
missive teachings and doings.
We trust our enemies
theorists teach that human nature is
basically good and that
httman reason
the key to solving
problems. We
support foreign revolutionary "refor–
do-gooders expound that
faulty social or environmental condi–
tions must be eradicated and that the
will of the majority
the truth. We
allow complete freedom of expression
- including
these theorists insist that absolute truth
does not exist.
We cannot punísh anyone - from
rebellious children to psychotic crimi–
nals -
permissive psychology
stipulates that only ignorance and bad
social ( environmentaJ) institutions can
be blamed - not people.
T he Permissives' Dream World
As the pcrmissive thínker views bis
narrow littlc world, he is sure of only
one thing - that he can never be cer–
tain that he knows the truth about any–
thing. "Truth," as defi.ned by these
modero thinkers, must necessarily be
changing - always in a state of flux.
March l971
When applied to human actions, this
concept ís known as "moral relatívism''
This is an age-old ploy of man's
deceitful mind - desperately strivíng
to justify his own nasty, secret activities.
Absolute truth of a religious nature is
the ingredicnt most likely to boil blood.
All supernatural superstitions, all in–
grained rcligious prejudices, all moral
taboos must be expunged from a posi–
tíon of any conseguence in human
affairs in order to creatc an "enlight–
ened" world.
Since permissive psychology teaches
that there is no eternal truth, there can
be no
fixed standards
by which we can
judge any issue,
no way
of knowing
what is right or wrong - and certainly
Goo to look to for guidance.
For all practica! purposes, truth - to
the permissive - is símply the present
scientific concensus within any given
field, and political and racial truth is
whatever is voted by the majoríty. Yet,
the permissive radical activists are, in
fact, not a majority at aU! They are a
loud - often violent -
attempting to make theír voices heard
by any convenient method.
Thus, "ultra-liberal" students at Berke–
ley, Columbia, Kent State and else–
where feel they have every right
bomb, buen and pillage their campus
and community - perhaps cven impris–
oning for a time sorne of their per–
missive professors who taught them thís
"truth." And if students get shot by the
National Guard or police, why aren't
these professors who advocated and ful–
minated student rebellion held
at least
partia/Jy respomible?
Permissive Educators, Ministers
and Psychologists Sidestep
Many of these self-appointed guard–
ians of truth -
God, the laws
of the land and often decency itself -
are busy teaching our young a strange
and contradicting set of doctrines. But
they piously avoid
for the
RESULTS of followíng their philos–
ophy, thcir "New Morality."
THEY PITY (quite rightJy) the
criminal. They want to be kind
to him. But they are not worried that
their brand of kindness, by spreading
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