Page 535 - 1970S

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government are "former" Nazis. One
hears a lot about the few ex-Nazis in
the West German government, but no
one. seems to ask what happened to the
Nazis in the Other Germany. Many are
still there, often in key positions, but
now presumably converted communists!
Simon W iesenthal, head of the
ish Dowmentation Cenler in Vienna,
has brought to light sorne very sobering
facts in this connection.
was in 1968
that Simon Wiesenthal, responsible for
bringing Eichmann to justice, first
revealed these facts to the world in a
press conference in Vienna on Septem–
ber 6: he disclosed that at least 39
important positions in press and radio
in East Germany were held by former
Nazis. Among others he found that the
government press chief was a former
member of the Nazi Party. The chief
editor of the "Deutsche Aussenpolitik"
(German Foreign Policy) was likewise
socialist in by-gone days.
Wiesenthal further showed that, in
1968, East Germany was riding a wave
of anti-semitism. He quoted an article
in the official government papee,
entitled, "Zionism Rules
in Prague." This was compared with
Hitler's National Socialist magazine,
V olkischer BeobachJer
of 1939 which
carried the headline, "Jews Rule in
Prague." The odious comparison was all
too obvious. Other comparisons were
made, which forced one to the con–
clusion that very little has really
changed during the last
years in the
ideological outlook of top-ranking per–
sonnel in the "German Democratic
A future project of Simon Wiesenthal
wiU show that after the end of the war,
many former Nazis infiltrated the ñeld
of East German education, where they
inculcated their ideas into the minds of
the young!
That this problem exists in the Other
Germany is certainly not hidden from
the eyes of Communist leaders. But only
occasionaJly is someone ousted from an
important post on account of his past
affiliation with Nazi Germany.
T he N ew Socialist Man
The four decades of national socialist
and Communist teaching has served to
convince much of the East German pop-
ulation that Western democracy is not
a desirable form of government to aspire
to -
if such opportunity afforded
1 remember talking to an East Ger–
man escapee in the West sorne time ago
who mentioned that his reason for leav–
ing bis country was because of his
opposition to communist oppression.
Yet once we became involved in a deep
discussion, it became only too obvious
that his mind - unknown to him -
had been conditioned to accept the com–
munist way of thinking. That was all he
knew because that was all he had bcen
W ith the passing of time this process
of creating the ideal socialist man con–
tinues. And with each passing year, the
number of opponents of this plan to
fashion the
netv man
Is it destined to succeed? The Com–
munists claim a measure of success
already. But in the long run their
efforts to create the new man will come
to nothing.
Basic Error of Communism
Most Communists, whether East Ger–
man, Soviet or Chinese, are dedicated
individuals. T hey have a sense of mis–
sion. They are out to change the world!
They see in the nations around them
greed, selfishness, vanity, privation, war
- a host of iUs. The products of
human nature. They want to change all
that. But, instead of treating the cause,
they committed the basic error of treat–
ing only the effects.
The founders of Communism -
Marx, Engels, Lenin, others - reasoned
that the undesirable characteristics of
human nature are
result of one's
environmeot. Change the eovironment,
they announced, and you will
Take away prívate
property, they reasoned, and you will
banish greed,
status seeking, etc.
Teach people the dignity of work, they
declared, and laziness will disappear.
Replacing the sweat, toil, privation
and suffering of the present, there will
be - so the Communist Party hopefully
announced - a world of happiness and
joy, a world filled with all the physical
and educational necessities of life.
A Golden Age was promised.
All labor would be voluntary, a mat-
ter of habit, serving the common good.
would be performed without expec–
tation of remuneratíon or reward.
"Under communism men will work to
the best of their abilities simply because
men will delight in crcative endeavor,"
says the Party in one of its latest books,
Man's Dreams Are Coming Tme.
Change Human N ature ?
But human nature cannot be changed
merely by altering one's environment.
The problems of our wodd are not
solely environmental
No form of government has been
able to change human nature. Dictator–
ship, monarchy, Communism, the repub–
lican form of government, anarchy -
all have failed or are faíling.
Ruling nations have had opportunity
to improve the course of humanity -
Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Japan, Ger–
many, Great Britain and the United
States. Yet, the same problems of the
human mind continue to plague us.
Religions and political systems have
come and gone without really effecting
a change in human character.
So, it becomes obvious that no man–
imposed legislation or philosophy can
eradicate human greed, lust, hate or
covetousness. What is needed is some–
thing more - a power that can operate
human nature! A power that can
change the basic character of man. A
power that can change the way the
human mind operates! And, since it can–
of men - suffice it to say - it
must be
in nature! For it is the
spirit of the human mind which needs
to be changed.
Our booklet
The Wonderful World
Tomorrow- What lt Wi/1 Be Like,
explains in detail what must be
we are to have a world
of peace and happiness.
Beginning on page 37 with the
subhead, "The Cause of all World
Troubles," you will find the way in
which human nature will be changed.
The booklet expla.ins how the real
utopía whicb aU meo have dreamed
about - which aH ideologies have
written about - will finaUy be
ushered in on this
The "good
news" is that you have a cbance to
sbare in the happiness and abundance
of this new world!
copy of d1is booklet is
waiting for you. Simply write for
by name.