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Can it create arder
out of Chaos?
Never in ALL history has man acquired so much knowledge.
And yet, we see few solutions to the awesome problems of
humanity. This article explains how science could lead man
to the source capable
social dilemmas
why it hasn't.
Paul W . Kroll
adequate:ly describes our
Wc face incr<:asing cr imc, the
drug explosion, moral dccay. Our social
world seems out of control. On the
world scenc, missi les, hyd rogen bombs,
other deadly weapons stand ready to
annihilate all human life. Pollution
threatens the health and life of
Even more frightening is the obser–
vation that our world is increas–
ingly running amuck
collcm•rently with
the increase m scicntific knowledge.
Many look to science - hoping ít
can apply its method to social problems.
Hoping it can discover the solutions to
our perplexing problems.
"Why cannot this
which produced thc scientific explo–
sion," they ask, "also employ its method
to pioneer sane human social relations ?"
Can Sdence Save Us?
Many believe we can use the method
of sciencc to arrive at the answcrs - or
at Jeast to point us to the pLtce where we
can find the answers to the big ques–
tioos facing us in this eighth decade of
the twentieth ccntury.
Can science provide the key that will
uolock the solutions to the problems of
delinquency, of unhappy marriages, of
mental illness, of crime, of financia!
worry - of aJ I lhe big world and per–
sonal problems plague our society?
At present this possibiltty looks
bleak. Man, seemingly, cannot cut his
way through thc dilemma he faces to
díscovcr sound, workable solutions.
is obvious that something has
gone wrong during the past few dec–
ades," admitted the editors of the book,
Science Looks
"Jncreased con–
trol over nature is not providing safety
and peace of mind, economic prosperity
is not making people healthier or hap–
pier, technological innovations crcate