Page 495 - 1970S

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to a dcsk and debts you're ncver going
to pay off. All you have are frustrations,
hang-ups, ulcers. And you want me to
work. Look at you !
"You tell me to lay off the pot and
hash. Man, all 1 do is buen off a couplc
of joints a wcek, but you fag away two
or more packs a day. Man, it says
plainly on the sidc of the pack, 'Cau–
tion, cigarcttes are dangerous to hcalth.'
You say I am going to ruin my hcalth.
Drugs arcn't harmful, they arcn't even
"You tell me to stop wcaring thesc
clothes, and cut my hair. I say it is not
important what 1 wear or how long
hair is. The rcally important thing is
what kind of a person you are. You'rc
just old fashioned.
"You tell me, no premarital sex, to
savc myself for marriage, but man -
Here you are, 'making it'
on the sly. Listen, we're living in your
'push-button world.' Push the wrong
button and the world goes up in a puff
of smokc. No, man,
going to live
for toda
Blow my mind? So who
1 may get my body blown up!
You can't cxpect me to be ' lily-white'
all my Jife when you aren't doing the
same. Look at you !
World, RIGHT-
Colloge Photo
Porents who tell teen-ogers to stop smoking
marijuana, themselves smoke cigorettes which ore harmful to health. Teen–
agers accuse porents of smoking, but use marijuana, proven to be hormful
psychologically ond perhops physically.
"The whole 'straight' world is just
one great big doublc standard. I mean,
it's kind of ironic isn't it? Like, I didn't
ask to be born into this world. Nobody
asked me! This is
yo11r 11
"Go to Sunday School and learn the
Golden Rule? Ha! You teach me to
love rny neighbor, pcace and love, and
all that stuff. Then when l'm old
enough to live, you tell me l'm old
cnough to die! 1 find a gun in my
hands and a bunch of 'straights' run–
ning around telling me to kili some–
body I don't even know.
just doeso't
make aoy sensc' And cvcn dying isn't
enough for you, you want me to die for
"Yeah, and why should I fight to save
your world? You're fouling the air to
where it ain't lit to brcathc, you're pol–
luting the water till it ain't fit to drink.
And the food - ycch! And all of this
for the Jolly Giant Grcenback. You tell
me l'm old enough to die for my coun–
try, but l'm not old enough to vote in
l 'm old enough to fight, but not old
enough to drink.
" lt doesn't add up."
A Frank Analysis
That's just a partíal list of complaints
the "now" generation has against thcir
Wc could go on and on with a dozen
more such mental battles between par–
ents and teen-agers. But the examples
alrcady given sufficiently illustrate what
the "Do as 1 say, not as 1 do" philoso–
phy of a generation of parents has done
to teen-agers.
Yet, somc parents are nalve. They
don't realiz<.: this is
view their double-staodard morality.
And this is a primary cause of the gen–
eration gap - if
parents would
wake up.
Parents usually mean well. They
don't want their teen-ager to mess up
his li fe. Yet, parents are often guilty of
the exact sins they condemn thcir teen–
agers for. Resu!t ? Teen-agers attack