Page 489 - 1970S

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by Bacheller, mounted on
the top of each borne.
Swinging into action by a mere flip of
a sw.itch, the cameras track the car as it
continues clown the street. Inside each
borne, the action is monitored on
closed-circuit TV. But, since it is a dark,
cloudy evening, identification of the car
is difficult.
Had this block chosen the Autogard
Automatic day or night CCTV camera,
Ambouodor Col/ege Photo
Already on the market - one of
many protective devices dis–
played at recent Conference on
they could have monitored the car even
in darkness. And, they could have
recorded the live, play-by-play action on
an accompanying Randall DIK video
tape recorder!
The Perigard Perimeter Detection
System (included free with the purchase
of each new borne ) has alerted those on
the first half of the block that the pos–
sible "intruder" has passed.
The car slows to a near stop as it
nears the middle of the block. Those in
this area become tense. Quickly they
turn on all security systems.
Weapons Arsenal Opeoed
Inside one of the bornes, Mother
hands the key to the family arsenal to
her eldest son. He quickly opens the
cabinet and takes out Father's Soviet
DJB Semi-Auto Carbine, Mother's U. S.
Springfield, and, for added assurance,
the family's Harbenger and Jenness
automatic pistols.
To aid the Perigard, Mother activates
an improved Series 1000 alarm system
developed by Moody Industries. The
transmitting device of this ultra-high–
freguency unit saturates a protected
area with electro-magnetic encrgy. Any
movement within the arca immediately
triggers another alarm.
By this time the near neighbors'
bornes are all
with beep–
ing, buzzings, clanging, ringing alarms!
After al!, you can't be
too safe
in pro–
tecting your home and you r loved
The car stops in a driveway. The
other families on the block sit back and
relax as their security panels light up -
"you're .rafe."
Not wanting to get
involved, they resume their places in
front of the TV set and rest peacefully
But, the family in the home where
the car has stopped is anticipating the
The eldest son passes out the hard·
ware to the family. Then he heads for
the garage to position the German
Rheimostall anti-tank cannon which
Father had purchased through the mails
for .$300. He also checks the German
bazooka father purchased through tbe
mails at the amazing low price of
$24.95 - plus eight percent sales tax.
In the garage, he looses the fam–
ily's fully trained German Shepherd
recently bought from an international
agency for $1,000!
Mother tunes in the directional
microphones on top of the garage in an
attempt to pick up any talking in tbe
Moment of Confrontation
As the man walks toward the front
door, Mother reaches for the Callbold
Inc. autornatic emergc:ncy telephone dial–
er. Pressing the button on this small
control unit transmits an automatic call
for help to the village's armed guard
In extreme emergencies, Mother can
actívate the Mark IX alarm system
located over the fireplace. This com–
puter alarm, connected to telephone
a technological wonder.
When triggered, it places emergency
phone calls with recorded messages to
your local police station, fire station,
hospital and neighborhood vigilante
committee - all at the same time!
The children grab their spray-can–
type Chemical Mist devices and load
them with special formulation car–
tridges. An accurate jet of this chemical
will send any potential criminal scream–
ing in paín.
Armed and ready, the mother and
children huddle together as the man
approaches the front door. There he
stops and places bis right index fi.nger
on a glass plate on the Auto-Personnel
Indicator developed by AAF Industries
lnc. Based on space-age holography,
this unique device
instantly compares
inserted fingertip with a specially coded
ID card and verifies authorized person–
nel by fingertip.
A green light flashes over the door,
all alarms are automatically silenced,
and the family breathes a sigh of
relief as the youngest child yells out:
"Mommy, Mommy,
is home !"
Poes this neighborhood scene of
homeowners responding to a ''crime
alert" sound a little "far out"? No!
Not at all. The sophisticated protection–
detection devices mentioned in this sce–
nario are al! available to the public and
are displayed at industrial security
But, let's stop and ask. Is this the
want to live? Where is this
kind of "Fear Society" leading us?
Read the following article: "America
A Nation Running Scared." It
explains how increasing crime In the
United States is making American citi–
zens fearful and insecure.