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more teenage gir ls are becoming
unwed mothers. But what's being
done to help them? They are offered
contraceptives! For a practice which
warps their Lives psychologically and
ruins their chances of later happi–
ness, that's a real remedy, isn't it?
Imagine! In today's society of per–
missiveness, one teenager out of six
has had sexual intercourse before
reaching the ;1ge of 16.
How tragic! Please don't follow
their bad example!
"But what can we actually do?"
you may now ask. " How can we
change this world? What are our re–
sponsibilities? First of all, do we real–
ly have a future? Is there any hope
for us? "
Those are very good questions! In–
deed, what can you do to make this
world a better place in which to live?
How can you be sure that someday
you will be able to offer your own
children a better life, a better educa–
tion, a better world?
That's precisely what I want to
talk to you about before closing this
"open letter." Today, sorne of you
are much too young to understand
what life is all about. But as you grow
older, you will know that there is
someone- someone very, very impor–
tant-who !oves you more than any–
one on earth ever will!
You were born for a purpose. As 1
told you a moment ago, the Almighty
God made you in His own image. He
is very much interested in you. He
cares for you. He wants all of you to
become His own children someday–
children if
1may say so, because you will always
be under His guidance, protection
and !ove.
In this world deceived by Satan,
even if most grown-ups have failed in
their task toward you, God never
fails in His.
they haven't known
how to love you, God knows how to
love-and He will always !ove you
very much. In fact, because He !oves
us aJI- whether we are children or
grown-ups- He allowed His only be–
gotten Son, Jesus Christ, to give up
His life for us- for
sins-so that
we may be totally pure one day.
At the beginning, God- who is all
!ove, power, and wisdom- revealed
to Adam and Eve, the first couple
(they were created as adults), the
way to live in order to be happy.
Unfortunately, Adam and Eve chose
to disobey God. Ever since, nearly all
human beings have followed the
same path- the way of disobedience
and rebellion. This is why we suffer
on earth. This is also why the reason–
ing and behavior of most men doesn ' t
always make much sense.
Throughout the ages, God has
commanded us to honor Him and to
keep His commandments. This is the
only way to happiness. You can find
His commandments in the Bible. All
of God's teachings are so simple that
even a child can easily understand
them. He orders us not to have any
other gods before Him: no other be–
ings, no ambition, nothing must ever
take His place in our hearts and
minds. Nothing should come be–
tween Him and us. And His second
great commandment is that we love
one another as He !oves us.
Unfortunately, as
told you a mo–
ment ago, ever since the beginning hu–
man beings have refused to obey God.
They generally show love for one anoth–
er when they can expect something in
return. Worldly concerns have blinded
their eyes and minds.
Please don't act that way! Whatever
teachings you receive as you grow old–
er-whether at home or in school–
always remember that the foundationof
a ll knowledge is found in the Bible.
Believe that. Live by it.
Have the courage to prove all
things in the light of what the Bible
says. Put into practice its teachings!
Don't ever turn away from God–
even if people around you call you
names and persecute you. You will
learn one day that they also perse–
cuted Christ. They called Him names
and said that He was a blasphemer.
The truth is that He is the Son of
God. At this very moment, He is
sitting at the right hand of His Fa–
ther, on His Father's throne. That's
where you will also be someday if you
submit your will to His.
Learn to pray as soon as you can.
Speak to God often, without ever hid–
ing anything from Him. Always be
thankful for what He gives you. Let
Bible study be part of your academic
" baggage."
is by far the most im–
portant study in your life.
All the gadgets science offers you
today-all the technological marvels,
the so-called "utopian" existence
which is supposed to be in store for
you- are nothing compared to the
glory to come when you enter God's
Kingdom and become forever
spiritually! In power
and splendor, you will make Su–
perman seem tame by comparison.
The world is sitting on a powder
keg today.
men continue to reject
God and the teachings of the Bible,
injustices and miseries will continue
in this world. Everyone- including
you-will suffer one way or another
as a consequence.
Actually, you won't really have to
change the world. God will do it for
you, provided you are willing to
change yourself. That in itself is a big
job-a tremendous task- but God
will give you the help you need if you
seek it from Him.
In a few years, Christ will come
again and will take over all the gov–
ernments of this world. He will be in
charge of the entire eartb-of its
education, its government and its ad–
ministration. You then will be able to
live in a world filled with peace, jus–
tice and happiness- a world where
all of God's commandments will be
kept by every person and every na–
tion. People will love God- and they
will love their neighbor.
According to the Bible, on that
day "the wolf also shall dwell with
the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
down with the kid; and the calf and
the young !ion and the fatling to–
gether; and a little child shall lead
them. And the cow and the bear shall
feed; their young ones shall lie down
together: and the !ion shall eat straw
like the ox. And the sucking child
shall play on the hole of the asp, and
the weaned child shall put his hand
on the cockatrice' den. They shall not
hurt nor destroy in all my holy moun–
tain: for the earth shall be full of the
knowledge of the Lord, as the waters
cover the sea" (Isaiah 11 :6-9).
Do you now see how much you
have to be thankful for?
know these things, happy are you if
you do them," Christ said. Take Him
up on His word! Put Him to the test.
1t will mean for you eterna!
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979