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The angel was repeating what
had been in the Scriptures for cen–
turies. l saiah 9:6 says that this
child would have GOVERNMENT on
His shoulders! He is responsible for
Verse 7 goes on to say
that this
established government
would go on forever.
What subjects and territory will
this Kingdom ru le over? The
"kings [mere men] of the earth"
will be subject to Christ the su–
PREME KJNG (Revelation
:5). The
govcrnment of God will be "over
the NATIONS" of the earth (Revela–
tion 2:26). Revelation 5:1 O makes
this more emphatic when it says
this government will " ... REJGN ON
What about the fourth essential
part for any kingdom? We have
already seen in Isaiah
"judgment" and "justice" are to
exist eternally. Tbese governmental
LAW. Paul un–
derstood "the law is holy, and the
commandment holy, and just, and
good." He knew "that the law is
spiritual" and is therefore everlast–
ing (Romans 7:12, 14). Without
law there would be
is absence of law. But the Kingdom
is an orderly operation governed by
the law of God. Paul also tells us
that the good news, glad tidings,
gospel must be "oBEYED" (Romans
10:15-16). lt is law that defines
what is
in every instance.
1 Peter
reemphasizes the fact
tha t the gospel is a legal message
Age-Oid Rebelllon
The good news is that God will
reassert His rule upon rebellious
mankind ( Isaiah 52:7).
Satan started the insanity of re–
bellion and anarchy (Ezekiel
28: 14-15). God has permitted him
to hold sway over the earth until
finally Christ returns as King to
unseat the devil.
Satan has foisted off his illegal,
rebellious ways on all mankind.
He began by deluding Eve and
Adam into forsaking the
mands- the
theocratic govern–
ment under which they were to
live-of the Eterna! God. God is–
sued COMMANDS-LAWS-and ex-
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979
(Genesis 2:16-
These first people re–
belled, and all mankind has fol–
lowed in their lawlessness.
Israel, too, defected from God (1
Samuel 8:5-7). They rejected God
just as has the whole world. Satan
has deceived them
12:9). ALL have broken the law and
fallen sbort of the glory which God
wants for men (Romans 3:23).
Restoratlon of God' s Government
The Old Testament prophets knew
that the Eterna! was going to re–
turn His good government to this
earth (Zechariah 14:9). The gov–
ernment of God- the Kingdom of
God- will relieve the horrible dis–
tress which mankind suffers. Acts
pointedly tells us that the
return of Christ will result in a
time when a
things will
be restored. The prophets have told
us about the loss of God's govern–
ment on earth. They looked for–
ward to the return of the Mes–
siah-the Ruler. The Kingdom will
be set up. l t will rule over all kings
and nations.
Daniel 7: 14 speaks of the C hr ist
finally setting up His Kingdom:
"And there was given him
and glory, and a KJNGDOM,
that al!
people, nations,
and lan–
guages, should serve him: his do–
minian is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away, and bis
kingdom that which shall not be
destroyed." How wonderful! How
MARVELOUS the plan and purpose
of God! How certain to SATJSFY the
needs of man. Perfect ly adminis–
tered government attained! T he
quest of the ages at last com–
The ear th and all its inhabitants
will finally be scoured clean and
purged of all pollutants-because
of the true gospel! Absolute PEACE
will result. LovE, in a ll its exquisite
magnificence available to everyone
Here is the crystal-clear, clean,
pure gospel of the Kingdom which
Christ H imself preached. Don't al–
low anyone ever again to fool you
now that the Word of God has
washed the gospel spotless and
sparkling just for you. o
Where do you think you're
going? Heaven, hell, or maybe
only six feet under? As a child
you may have been taught
about life after death, but
what does the
have to
say on this all-important sub–
For a complete explanation
send for these two booklets:
• ls There a Real Hell Fire?
• What ls the Reward of the
To receive your fr ee
copies, use the Literature Re–
quest card inside this maga–
zine or write to our office near–
est you. (See the inside front
cover for addresses.)