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he world
plagued with many times
more troubles and evils
today than when I was a
boy. There was only a
fraction of thecrime. Di-
vorces and broken
homes were rare by comparison.
But today crime, revolt, riots, vio–
lence, wars-and the nuclear mass–
destruction weapons- present the
world with the supreme problem of
human survival!
And what possible connection
could that have with whether the Ten
Commandments existed before
Moses? Plenty!
There has to be a
for every
effect. Do we dare recognize the so–
bering fact that the world is bringing
all these frightening conditions on it–
The Very Basls of Llfe
There is a creation. Of necessity
there has to be a Creator. And the
Creator set in living motion invisible
spirituallaws to
human bappi–
ness, peace, and abundant well-be–
The cause of all human troubles,
woes and evils? Man's rejection and
transgression of those laws!
That overall invisible spiritual law
Herbert W. Armstrong
is the way of giving, helping, serving,
cooperating- the way of outgoing
concern for others. Tbat
duces all good. And that way of life is
simply tbe way of the Ten Com–
Most people ignore that law-and
live diametrically contrary to it. Yet
sorne will say, "But l've been taught
that the Ten Commandments were
done away, abolished by Christ, and
we don't have to obey God's law any
But when a law of God is actually
in living motion like the invisible
physical laws of gravity or inertia, it
is something far more than a church
ritual, to be observed during one peri–
od and abolished in another. To ar–
gue that this inexorable spirituallaw
is abolished is like setting a religious
doctrine tbat the laws of gravity and
inertia are abolished-and telling
people that they may free!y leap off a
high precipice or a tall building. But
if they do, the law will exact its pen–
AH the harm- aH the suffering
- aH the evils that have beset this
world for six thousand years are the
result of violating God's law!
Yet many have been erroneously
taught that the Ten Commandments
were merely a law devised by Moses,
and given to the children of Israel
- and them only- and
that the Ten
Commandments never existed until
Moses. And, further, that they exis–
ted only until Christ.
The Paramount Question of Your Llfe
This is no mere, irrelevant theologi–
cal or religious question. This is the
very essence of your life-your home
life, your social life, your business
life. It even has an important connec–
tion with inheriting eterna! life-or
eterna! death!
It's true that you cannot
na) life by obeying the command–
ments. But it's just as true that you
can earn- and get paid- eternal
death for unrepented transgression.
It's the very crux question behind
world troubles today. Strange as it may
seem, the Ten Commandments have
been in full forceandeffectsincehuman
life has existed on this earth!
They constitute a spiritual law
that is inexorable and eternal- a law
that is !ove and the fulfilling of which
is !ove - a law that was set in motion
for our happiness to produce every–
thing good which we have foolishly
denied ourselves. These Ten Com–
mandments are entirely different and
separate from the ritualistic law of
Moses, which was just a code of
not spiritual laws.
Proof That Commandments
Were in Force at Beginning
The Ten Commandments were first
made known to Adam in the Garden
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979