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Showdown Over Namibia
Picase discontinue-sending me any issues
The Plain Truth.
am very displeased
witb tbe article "Showdown Over Na–
mibia." This article portrays South Afri–
ca and its ruling circles as paragons of
decency, justice and democracy toward
the Namibian people. We all know how
to 'this very day the government of South
Africa denies to its black majority in both
Namibia and South Africa the right to
develop one's potential without regard to
race and color.
Orlando Ivey,
Toledo, Ohio
is something unusual to read a real–
istic appraisal in any overseas press of
anything applicable to southern Africa.
We in this patt of the world are so used to
distorted and often deliberate false re–
ports tha t we have developed a sort of
Then your report on "Showdown Over
Namibia" (JunejJuly
P/ain Truth)
changed the whole set-up. What makes
this particular report so praiseworthy
must be ascribed to the fact that
Plain Truth
is nota magazine devoted to
increased circulation based on sensation–
alism. This magazine reports facts plain–
ly, regardless of whether anybody likes
them or not, something very rare !lOwa–
days. Reading this article is like a breath
of fresh air.
Ben van Heerden,
Sea Park, South Africa
respectfully suggest that copies
of the excellent article "Showdown Over
Namibia' ' be sent to each and every con–
gressman and senator in Washington. It
would seem that quite a few of them are
sadly in need of unbiased and true infor–
mation concerning the Dark Continent.
Charles Teefey,
Cheektowaga, New York
Nuclear Garbage
found the article on nuclear garbage
Plain Truth)
of such excellence
should very much like to receive
October /November
from you two or more copies to give to
have kept up to date on nuclear
development in America and elsewhere
in the world, but have found nothing
quite equal to your article in lucidity and
plain exposure of facts.
Roy Vandergoot,
Culver City, California
do not understand why you would put
an anti-nuclear-power article in your
seems that the latest "tren–
dy" topic is nuclear power and its nega–
tive aspects. No one speaks or writes
about the positive aspects of a great and
inexpensive source of energy.
We are currently seeing only the tip of
the iceberg regarding energy problems.
Without the continued development of
nuclear power and especially the breeder
reactor, we will run out of energy in
America in the 1990s. The "p1ain truth"
is that this will affect every facet of.every
American's life and will especially hurt
and hinder the progress of minorities.
Without power to run factories, unem–
ployment will increase and growth will
You mention tbe negative aspects of nu–
clear wastes, but you do not state tbat
current technology has the means of safely
storing and treating nuclear wastes. What a
disservice you doto America by jumping on
theanti-nuclear bandwagon.
In the lmage of God
Belmont, California
The article " In His Image ...Heirs To–
gether" (in the May issue) was very bril–
liantly written. Jon Hill wastes no words
in his witty and informative treatment of
this very pertinent subject.
James Pollard,
Bentonville, Arkansas
was highly impressed with your re–
cent article "In the lmage of God." For
many years 1 have been deeply concerned
witb religious philosophy, which teaches
to the spirit but denies the equality of the
spirit because of the physical form. lf we
are judged before God for our individual
sins, then it would seem that we are held
equally capable of serving God. Luke 8:3
finds women ministering unto Christ.
Brenda Rice,
Lexington, Kentucky
The article by Jon Hill was very pithy
and informative. He revealed sorne inter–
esting truths that sorne of us needed to
hear. However, 1 must protest wben he.
writes that "the devil broadcasts bis bate
[of sex by saying]: the best state of human
beings is celibacy." Jesus said, " It is not
everyone who can accept wbat
have said,
but only tbose to whom it is
granted ... there are eunuchs for the sake
of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone
accept this whocan" (Matthew 19: 11-12).
Jesus said that, not the devil! Those who
take the vow of chastity are truly free to
)ove. Sex is a good and beautiful thing, as
Jon Hill says, for it was invented by God;
however, as Jesus clearly states, ce1ibacy is
not against God's plan.
Lisa Burner,
SummitPoint, West Virginia
Help Provlded
am writing to inform you that after
reading your magazine,
have found in it
answers to the thought-provoking ques–
tions wbich bave haunted my mind for
quite a long time. After many years of
agonizing mental torture due to contem–
plation over heart-bleeding questions,
your magazine has come out as the sole
and hope and inspiration, not
only to me, but to many others.
will want to read the wonderful piece
"What theWorldNeeds Now Is Hope" over
and over
use it he1ps keep myspirit upor
to come alive. Older people sometimes give
up more, because they are fed up with life
and lose ambition.
might have
that, but with your school of thought
see things in a new light.
B1anche Lemieux,
Waltham, Massachusetts