Build tbis concept into your mind.
Deeply study an<;i drink in of the
prophecies of the Bible and prove
them to yourself.
Read and study the examples of
Jesus' life and miracles. Realize that
He is the same yesterday, today and
forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Build in your mind and heart an
awareness that God is very near and
that He will answer your faithful
prayers with power, as long as they
are based upon His Word and His
will. Use this concept and grow in it
While still learning and practicing
the first point given above, here is the
second " key" which you must build
into your life if you are to tap the
great power of God.
11. Walk With God
This key is learning to walk with
God. To walk with God, you must
walk where He walks-for He will
not depart from His divine path to go
according to the ways and reasonings
of men. To walk with God, you must
follow Jesus' admonition that man
must live by every word of God
(Luke 4:4).
To walk with God, you must strive
to overcome your human nature and
keep His commandments. For Jesus,
when asked the way to eterna! life,
said: "If thou wilt enter into life,
keep the commandments." Then He
began to name sorne of the Ten Com–
mandments (Matthew 19:17).
Again, Jesus said: "And why call
ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the
things which I say?" (Luke 6:46.)
Put simply, this means that you
must obey your Maker, learn to live
and act as He does, and be in con–
stant communion with Him through
the study of His Word, through
prayer, meditation, fasting, and exer–
cising His characrer throughout your
daily life. The great men of the Bible
have all done this!
Notice this account of Enoch's life:
"And Enoch lived sixty and five
years, and begat Methuselah: and
Enoch walked with God after he be–
gat Methuselah three hundred yea rs ,
and begat sons and daughters: and all
the days of Enoch wer e three
hundred sixty and five years: and
Enoch walked with God: and he was
not ; for God took him" (Genesis
5:21-24) .
Examples of Noah, Abraham,
and Mltah
Now notice the account of Noah–
for whose sake human life itself was
preserved from the all-encompassing
flood that carne upon the earth in
days: "These are the generations of
Noah: Noah was a just man and per–
fect in bis generations, and Noah
walked with God"
(Genesis 6:9) .
Here it is pointed out that Noah
was "just"-he lived a righteous life
according to God's commandments.
When called upon to do what must
have seemed at the time a ridiculous
thing- building an ark out in the
middle of a dry plain-Noah obeyed
His Creator without balking or ques–
tioning. He kept in constant commu–
nion with the great Spirit Personality
who spoke to him and directed bis
paths. He yielded to his Maker. He
walked with God .
Next, we come to the account of
Abraham-the "father of the
faithful." In Genesis 17:1, God states:
"And when Abram was ninety years
old and nine, the Lord appeared to
Abram, and said unto him, 1 am the
Almighty God, walk before me [or
"with" me], and be thou perfect
[wholehearted] ." Of course, Abra–
ham did not have perfect faith at every
hour of the day, nor perfect obedience
either, but he constantly yielded bis
will and life to bis Creator and grew in
perfection and walked with God.
Thus, when the birthright w'bich
he received was transferred to Isaac,
God declared tbat this fantastic
blessing was given Abraham "be–
cause that Abraham obeyed my
voice, and kept my charge, my com–
mandments, my statutes, and my
laws " (Genesis 26:5). Abraham
obeyed bis Maker- he walked the
way God walked.
The prophet Micah summarizes
this basic approach to God which we
must haveto receive His blessing and
power: "He hath shewed thee, O
man, what is good; and what doth the
Lord require of thee, but todo justly,
and to !ove merey, and to walk hum–
bly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8 .)
If you are unsure of just how to
walk with God-how to keep His
commandments- write for our free
The Ten Commandments.
is in full color and fully illustrated.
This booklet shows you how the Ten
Commandments apply in today's
modern, technologically oriented
Jesus' Example
We need the attitude which Jesus
exemplified in what is called the
Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done· in earth, as it is in
heaven" (Matthew 6:10) .
To walk with God, we need to hon–
estly seek the revealed will of God in
the Bible-and be willing to change
wh,ere we're wrong, to let God fashion
us, mold us and use us as His instru–
ments.We ought toache and yearn for
His government to be set up on this
earth- for His perfect will to be ac–
complished so that ihere will be peace,
happiness and joy for everyone. Be–
cause that is the only real way these
things will ever come about!
What was the remarkable source of
Jesus' power?
Mark 1:32-34, He healed
many sick and diseased persons who
were brought to Him- casting out
demon spirits as well. "And in the
morning, rising up a great while before
day, be went out, and departed into a
solitary place, and there prayed"
(verse 35) . Constantly, throughout
His life, you will find Jesus leaving the
multitudes in arder to get
ose to God
in earnest prayer and meditation. He
walked with God and He talked with
Remember the account of Jesus
walking on the water? Sorne people
today make fun of this. They think
it's a big joke. But they will not laugh
when they see the returning Christ
coming in brilliant glory and
power- shining with the brightness
of a thousand suns!
But, to get to the point, have you
ever noticed what Jesus did just be–
fare He walked on the water? "And
when he had sent them away, he de–
parted into a mountain to pray"
(Mark 6:46). Then He walked on the
water (verses 47-51) in arder to catch
up with the disciples. They were
amazed and afraid.
" For they considered not the mira-
PLAIN TRUTH October/ November 1979