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Is Not Enough
There is an outside force available of which very few know-and even fewer utilize. This article
makes plain what that power is and how
can be exercised in your lije!
bis generation
does have a ren–
dezvous with destiny.
Never at any time in
human history have
man's powers and abil–
ities seemed greater.
Yet, paradoxically, man's future was
never more clouded. The prospects
for universal famine, for national and
racial wars, and for human annihi la–
tion were never so great.
In spite of man's apparent techni–
cal and mechanical powers, his ulti–
mate failure in solving the real
problems of life was never more evi–
Yet there is hope!
Man's True Hope
Men today have become so obsessed
with their technical and scientific
abil ities that God, to them, is nonex–
never enters their minds
that God exists, with power to inter–
vene in human world affairs.
You may not have thought about it
in those terms, but haven't you felt
that way about God? Be honest!
The "fruits"-the actions and re–
sults-in the lives of nearly all pro–
fessing Christians graphically dem–
onstrate that man is unaware and
unconcerned with the power of his
When God drove Adam and Eve
Roderick C. Meredith
out of the Garden of Eden, He
cut off
mankind from Him and access to
Him (Gen. 3:23-24)- all except the
very few God has called for service,
preparing for the
So, mankind as a whole has its mind
solely on things physical-of this
world- not spiritual, or of God. But
I tell you by authority that this gen–
eration is destined to come alive and
awake to the Creator's existence and
But man was cut off from God for
6,000 years. And that 6,000 years is
now near its end.
Unless you are cut off by prema–
ture death, the vast majority of you
now reading this article are going to
be shocked and stunned by the most
fantastic display of
power in human history. You are go–
ing to see-with your own eyes–
gigantic upsets in the weather, which
will lead to terrible floods and fam–
ine, mass starvation, earthquakes
and huge tidal waves sucb as have
never been dreamed of by modern,
"educated" men. You will see awe–
some displays of supernatural power
in the very heavens-culminating in
the dramatic return of the very Cre–
ator to His creation in the person of
the living Jesus Christ!
It will be in this generation!
Finally, you will live into another
world- the world tomorrow- where
the great power of God will be regu–
lar!y used to keep and enforce peace,
to change human lives and attitudes,
and to remove the vicious nature
from even wild animals!
will be
used to heal the sick, to control the
weather, and to bless human beings
as long as they serve and obey their
These events are certain.
Understanding God's Power
True Christians today are in training
to become kings and priests in the
soon-coming world tomorrow (Reve–
lation 5:10) . We must learn lessons
of character and faith in God's wis–
dom and power so we can qualify to
judge (or "manage," Moffatt trans–
lation) angels in the world tomorrow
(I Corinthians 6:2-3).
You probably have been told noth–
ing of this awesome responsibility.
But you sbould have been.
There it is, right in your own New
Testament. Your future job is to ex–
ercise great power and authotity in
the Kingdom of God to be set up on
this earth.
Jesus showed that His disciples
would literally rule over the twelve
tribes of Israel in the world tomorrow
(Luke 22:28-30). He described how
those faithful Christians who over–
come and serve most in this life will
have authority over ten cities, and
how those who have made good but
not outstanding progress will be over
five cities (Luke 19:17- 19).
How, then, can you become more
PLAIN TRUTH October/ November 1979