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she knew it was I who had given her
the grain and oil and wine, who had
heaped on her silver and gold [they
devoted it to Baal]. So now I recall
my grain in its season, my wine in its
reclaim my wool and my
flax, that went to cover her naked–
ness; and
leave her all bare to the
eyes of her lovers (international allies
and trading partners]" (Hosea 2:8-
10, Moffatt translation).
This principie applies to
tion, because God is the Creator of
the whole earth. "Their land also is
fui! of silver and gold, neither is there
any end of their treasures; their land
is also fui! of horses, neither is there
any end of their chariots [that is, in
modern language, automobiles and
mobile weapons of war]: Their land
also is fui! of idols;
they worship the
work of their own hands,
that which
their own fingers have made [they
trust and have confidence in their
own' ability to produce a prodigious
economy]" (Isaiah 2:7-8).
Since the great nations carne to
affluence, they have steadily departed
from even a semblance of godliness.
They have been absorbed in their own
affluence. They worship their own
economies and forms of government.
They are hell-bent on a toboggan slide
tothedepthsofimmorality. Theyhave
trust and faith and confidence in what
their economies can produce and
in the God who gave them the re–
sources from His earth to produce
thosemanufactured goods. The mock–
ing statement, "In God we trust," is
printed blasphemy!
The God of Abraham Lives
That same God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, disowned and unrecog–
nized by modern peoples, is right now
in the process of
taking away
great wealth that I:Ie gave to us–
because of our blatant and total re–
bellion. Actually the main way God
takes these things away from us is
merely by letting the naturallaws He
set in motion take their toll. To
the greedy nature which has led
us into the economic chaos in which
we live to destroy us. To
us to
fall into the pit we have dug for our–
God is going to allow us to fall into
total collapse
in the near future. A
November 1979
collapse in every sense of the word–
and a final,
physical captivity!
A financia! collapse, a moral col–
lapse, a collapse in the health and
even the daily sustenance of food on
our plates, a collapse of our great
cities in nuclear holocaust, a total
collapse of the entire nation and
economy in which we trust and have
our confidence- that which our
money is based upon-our
manufacturing capacity!
Not until the remaining few left
alive, who are in captivity, come to
their mistakes and
their God is, will He intervene and
restore to them, not only the riches
they had before, but those far beyond
our ken in the wonderful world to–
Beware the Golden Calf
Although last month we showed the
key role of gold and silver in interna–
tional and monetary history,
we by no means advocate the buying
or hoarding of gold and silver as your
best investment.
This series of articles is neither
pro- nor anti-gold, neither right- rror
left-wing. Rather it is third-dimen–
sional, revealing to you the best
you wish to invest in this world's
securities, be sure to consult experts
in the field. Trust neither the "under–
ground" investment letters, nor the
established "name" stockbrokers,
but seek a
of wise counsel,
from al! financia! viewpoints, befote
Christians, above all, should avoid
making an
out of any invest–
ment, as the Israelites worshiped the
golden calf of Aaron (Exodus 32).
Instead, use your investment capital
as a too! toward your
ment, as Christ showed in Luke
19:12-27, which is to do the
God, support His Work on earth, and
inherit eterna! life.
is not wrong to invest in this
world. Jesus Christ said: "Make to
of the mammon of
unrighteousness; that, when ye fail,
they may receive you into everlasting
habitations. He that is faithful in
that which is least is faithful also in
much ..." (Luke 16:9, 10). But He
also said: " . . . Be ye therefore
serpents, and harmless as doves"
(Matthew 10: 16). Be extremely cau–
tious with your investments.
Unfortunately, the tradition of
men in regard to money has al! too
often made money take on a role God
reserves for Himself.
At that moment when the great
God of heaven and earth decides to
intervene in mankind's affairs, and
particularly in the affairs of the de–
scendants of His friend Abraham,
people will begin to recognize that
there is only
source of true confi–
dence, the
reliable "nonhuman
Governor" who will establish His
desperately needed discipline (He–
brews 12:6), one sécure hope for eter–
na! prosperity: God Himselfl
"In that day a man shall cast his
idols of silver, and bis idols of gold,
which they made each one for him–
self to worship [whatever you have
trust and faith and confidence in,
whatever you worship, is your god],
to the moles and to the bats; to go
into the clefts of the rocks, and into
the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear
of the Lord, and for the glory of his
majesty, when he ariseth to shake
terribly the earth.
Cease ye from
whose breath is in his nostrils:
for wherein is he to be accounted
of?" (Isaiah 2:20-22.)
God is returning to take over the
governments of this world, to estab–
lish the economy of the world tomor–
row, to put down all war and see to it
that people do not learn to make war
anymore. The Creator God is coming
to restore this polluted planet to its
intended beauty by teaching man
how to
the great blessings He
All men everywhere are going to
discover that whatever they trusted
in before, whatever they had confi–
dence in before, is no longer of any
worth or value. Everyone will discov–
er-of his own hand, of what he can
manufacture or make, with a gold or
silver or paper representation of
wealth- that he cannot even supply
the simple necessities of food, cloth–
ing and shelter for himself but
in al/ things re/y on God.
Expandlng World Economy
When man's society, drunk on its
own apparent success, sees that God