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there is safety" ( 11: 14). " ... He
unto counsel is wise"
( 12: 15). "Without counsel purposes
are disappointed: but in the multi–
tude of counsellors they are estab–
lished" (15:22). "Every purpose is
established by counsel: and with good
advice make war" (20: 18).
Today's potential leaders must be
taught the importance of seeking
''wise counsel"-of getting all the in–
put possible on every important mal–
coming to a decision
(Proverbs 24:6).
Why is it that so many parents,
educators and even ministers seem–
ingly throw up their hands in despair,
just don't have the an–
we will look reverently to the
Word of God, we will see that it gives
us the answers to the really big prob–
lems which confront modern man.
Ten Commandments Point
to Solutions
Biblical revelation gives the sound,
practica! answers to all of man's
woes. The Bible tells man how to be
at peace with himself and how to live
with his neighbor. The Ten Com–
mandments reveal God's basic way
of life for man.
they were obeyed
by all nations, then we would have no
wars, no strife, no headaches and
heartaches to wrack and distort our
Only when man begins to look to
God and His Word for the answers
and solutions to all bis problems will
he begin to find the way out from
under bis mountain of woe and mis–
ery. Then man will come to under–
stand who he is, why he was put on
this earth and what bis ultimate des–
tiny (bis thrilling inheritance) really
Man must quit worshiping the
false gods of science and material–
ism; and he must look to bis Creator
for the guidance that only God can
give. Only man's Designer and Mak–
er understands what really makes
man "tick"- what man must do to
be happy, healthy and successful.
Where Are We Going?
Only the Creator God can reveal to
man his true purpose.
Shortly after bis flight to tbe
PLAIN TRUTH October/ November 1979
moon, Neil Armstrong addressed tbe
U.S. Congress. He said: " In the next
20 centuries ... humanity may begin
to understand its most baffiing mys–
tery-where are we going? . . . Man
must understand his universe in or–
der to understand bis destiny."
The Bible reveals that man's ulti–
mate destiny is to achieve sonship in
the dívine family of God. Men are
destíned to become co-inheritors of
the entire universe, joint-heirs of "all
things" along with Jesus Christ. "He
overcometh shall inherit all
things; and
will be bis God, and he
shall be my son" (Revelation
Man's ultimate destiny is mínd–
boggling-really too great for our
puny minds to fully comprehend.
Fallible, corruptible, mortal man
is to be made immortal, incorrupti–
ble, infallible
Corinthians 15:42-
44). God will bequeath on those who
overcome sin the gift of eternallife in
the endless ages of eternity. Man is
actually destined to become a "son"
in the great spirit-composed God
family. Only then shall man inherit
all things.
At that time, the tben-made-im–
inortal sons of God (former fallible
humans) will be able to flash through
the universe at the speed of thought .
Man could never really explore bis
universe with mere physical tools. He
needs to take on a new dimension.
Man must receive
then will he be qualified to rule wise–
Realleadership is learning to think
and act like God. This means learning
to !ove instead ofhate.
t means humil–
ity instead of pride and vanity; faith
and hope instead ofdoubt and despair;
the fear ofGod instead of ignorance of
God; a desire to serve instead ofalways
being served; honesty and truthfulness
instead of deceit, hypocrisy and lying;
impartiality instead of being a re–
specter of persons; diligence and not
These are the realleadership traits
which God is seeking in man. This is
the essence of true leadership.
Leaders with the real answers and
solutions to life's big questions a nd
problems can only be developed when
they are taught those Godlike traits
of character which will endure for all