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Personal from...
Tribute to Basil Wolverton
How many of you will endure till the very end? Many have dropped off already. But Basil
Wolverton endured through every tria/ and persecution to the very end!
ne day, about 1936, l received a neatly typed
letter from artist Basil Wolverton.
He had been very angry with me. He said
he heard me on radio. What I said angered
him, because it was so different from what he believed,
yet he could not prove me wrong.
He said he was determined to tune me in again, and
the next time he felt sure he would be able to refute me.
But, after ' listening in the second time, he was angered
more than ever, but still unable to prove me false.
He listened a third time. Same experience. This time
he began checking what he heard on radio with his
Bible. He, like I had sorne ten years before, became
astounded to see in his own Bible truths diametrically
opposite to what he had believed- and wanted to
was quite impressed with bis letter. My wife Loma
visited him and his wife Honor in their almost new
but comparatively small home in Vancouver,
Washington. Immediately a warm friendship generated
that never lapsed.
Soon they were both baptized. As the weeks and
months whisked by, a small church was raised up in
Portland, and one in Vancouver.
due time Mr.
Wolverton was ordained a local elder.
After the headquarters of the Work was moved to
Pasadena, problems developed in the small groups
meeting every Sabbath in Portland and Vancouver. I
think that for a time they all had to meet at one place,
instead of the two neighboring cities. After the
broadcasting and
Plain Truth
publishing grew to
national scope, we ran into difficulties because there was
no minister to deliver sermons at Portland and
It was especially during these difficult years that Basil
Wolverton's loyalty, dedication, and perseverance saved
the church in that area. Mr. Wolverton was a nationally
known artist-not a preacher.
(Continued on page 39)
is known for his artwork depicting the calamitous prophecies to be fulfilled in the end time, left, and The
Bible Story,
a six-volume series describing 0/d Testament stories such as Noah and the flood, center and right.
PLAIN TRUTH October / November 1979