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The whole earth will become a verit–
able paradise-a global Garden of
Eden- and all mankind wi ll share it
The Good Lite
Let's momentarily peer into the good
life of tomorrow's world, when the
scene described above wil l be dupli–
cated the world over.
"The time wiU come when tbere
will be such abundance of crops, that
the harvest time will scarcely end
before the farmer starls again to sow
another crop, and the terraces of
grapes upon the hills of Israel will
drip sweet wine!
will restore the
fortunes of my people Israel, and
they shall rebuild their ruined cities,
and live in them again, and they shall
plant vineyards and gardens and eat
their crops and drink their wine.
will firmly plant them thcre upon lhe
land thal 1 have given them; they
shall not be pulled up again" (Amos
9:13- 15,
The Living Bib/e).
" .. . T he wilderness of Lebanon
will be a fruitful field again, a lush
and fertile forest" (Isa. 29:17,
Living Bib/e).
"Even the wilderness
and desert will rejoice in those days;
tbe desert will blossom with flowers.
Yes, there will be an abundance of
flowers and singing and joy! The des-
erts will become as green as tbe Leb–
anon mountains, as lovely as Mount
Carmel's pastu res and Sharon 's
meadows.... Springs will bursl
forth in lhe wilderness, and streams
in the desert. Tbe parched ground
will become a pool, with springs of
water in the lhirsty land" (lsa. 35: 1-
2, 6-7,
The Living Bible).
"They shall come home and sing
songs of joy upon the hills of Zion,
and shall be radiant over the good–
ness of the Lord-the good crops, the
wheat and lhe wine and the oil, and
the healthy flocks and herds. T heir
life shall be like a watered garden,
and all their sorrows shall be gone"
(J er. 31:12,
The Living Bib/e).
Did you realize that the purpose of
this great Work is to herald the good
news of God's prophesied interven–
tion and coming Kingdom?
Think of it! T his present-day
earth, sick and diseased, filthy and
foul, is going lo be healed. A fasci–
nating new world is coming.
T hat's what the
good news
God's Kingdom is all aboul!
Millions today, worldwide, are
hearing on radio and television this
encouraging message of hope pro–
claimed! But you are among the priv–
ileged few to be reading lhis ad–
vanced knowledge and lo come in
Today's generation lives near the end of an age-an age of
chaos, confusion and conflict. Will mankind finally destroy
itself? Will human life be obliterated in one final conflict? Or
will the next generation of mankind
find itself living in the dawn of a glo–
rious new age-a true utopia at last?
Our free booklet entitled
New Age!
will open a new world of
understanding. For your free copy, fill
in the Literatura Request card or
write to
The Plain Truth
at the ad–
dress nearest you.
direct conlacl with the Work lhal is
paving the way.
True Knowledge Encirc les the Earth
Describing lhe utopian effect this
priceless knowledge will have on
those who hear and
it, lsaiah
writes: " For as the rain cometh
down, a nd the snow from heaven, and
returneth not thither, but watereth
lhe earth, and maketh it bring forth
and bud, that it may give seed lo tbe
sower, and bread to the eater: so shall
my word be thal goeth forth out of my
mouth: it sball not return unto me void,
bul it shall accomplish that which
please, and it shall prosper in the thing
sent it. For you shall go out
with joy, and be lead for th wilh peace:
the mounta ins and the hills sha ll break
forth before you into singing, and a ll
the trees of the field shaU clap their
hands. l nstead ofthe thorn shall come
up the fir tree, and instead of the brier
shall come up the myrtle tree ... "
( lsa. 55: 10-13).
The time will come that every hu–
man being on earth will hear the good
news and begin to know thc true God.
"And they shall teaeh no more every
man his neighbour, a nd every man bis
brother, saying, Know the Lord: for
lhey sha/1 al/ know me,
from lhe least
of lhem unto the greatest of them,
saith the Lord ... " (J er. 31 :34).
" ... For the earth shall be fu ll of the
knowledge of the Lord, as t he waters
coverthesea" ( Jsa. 11 :9).
A Righteous Ruler
What really good news! Once the
whole human race has been educated
in the ways o f God, there wi ll be
peace and abundance for everyone on
earth at last. Christ's rule will bring
to the entire earth the
smell of spring. "Let the field be joy–
fu l, a nd a ll that is therein : then shall
the trees of the wood rejoice before
the Lord ... for he cometh to judge
the eartb" ( Ps. 96:12, 13).
As David said in his "last words'':
"The Rock of Israel said to
shall come who rules righteously, who
rules in the fea r of God. He shall be as
the light of the morning; a cloudless
sunrise when the tender grass springs
forth upon thc earth; as sunshine after
rain'" (TI Sam. 23:3-4,
The Living
Bible). Are
you actively preparing now
so you can share in this coming wonder–
ful world oftomorrow?
PLAIN TRUT-H September 1979