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The Hidden Knowledge
hy so many different religions in the
world ? No two agree. Yet 1 suppose most
eel that theirs is the one and only RIGHT
And then there are the míllíons, relígíous and
nonreligíous, who, through modero educat íon, accept the
t heory of evolution. Evolutíon is a theory UNPROVED,
a nd by its very naturc UNPROVABLE. Therefore ít is
another FAITH or BELIEF, even though most of its
adherents may not think of it as a RELIGION.
do people
whatever they do?
they come to believe it? Do you know that most people
never stop lo ask themselves those questions? Of course
most who accept a religion were simply brought up to
believe the particular religion of their parents, or of their
part of the world. They never made an examination of it,
or of other rel igions, to PROVE whether it is true. And
that ís true of most who accept the evolutionary theory
of origins. That is, they were taught it in school - in
college or university - and they simply went along with
the others who were being taught it , and simply ASSUMED
it to be truth.
But something must be lacking in all religions! For
none has really made this a better world. None has
shown us the
AY to a lasting world PEACE. None has
the answer to all the poverty, the destitution, the
illiteracy, the filth and squalor of the hundreds of
millions in Asia, Africa, South America-or the solution
to the moral degeneracy, the tragedy of broken
marriages a nd split-up families, the crime, the violence,
the discontent throughout our supposedly educated and
affiuent Wcstero world.
Not one of these religions- nor the evolutionists-nor
modero science- has been able to explain
man is
is-with the almost AWESOME human mind that can
send men to the moon and back, but can't solve
humanity's problems here on earth.
Do you know that there
a source that
a ll this? There is a source that can be PROVEO to be true
- a nd the
source that can give us the a nswers.
the source the Christian religion is supposed to follow,
PLAIN TRUTH Seplember 1979
It is a source not followed by the Bastero
religions-a source rejected by modero science. This
very REJECTION is the REASON that modero science offers
NO SOLUTION for humanity's greater problems- the way
to lasting world PEACE-the way to universal happiness,
prosperity, and abundant well-being.
You can PROVE the existence of God, the Creator of
all, the R uler of all, and the Great Educator, whose
revelation of BASIC KNOWLEDGE
ALL knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
You can prove the authenticity and the AUTHORJTY of
the revelation of that Supreme God- which revelation
we call the Bible. Why not write for the free booklet
Does God Exist?
Why is there so much MISSING knowledge? Or, why is
the most VITAL and important knowledge MtSSING? And
on the other hand, WHY is there so much
MJS-knowledge-so many fallacies, fables, untruths being
taught in the gui se of fact or of truth?
Let me tell you, when you really let the true answer to
those questions come into your mind, you 'Ll be on the
way to understanding this whole riddle of life-and the
REASON for the really terrible and sickening conditions
that exist on thís eart h today.
Let me tell you sorne of the vital factors of knowledge
that have been HIDDEN from this world- yes, hidden
from the world's leading educators , hidde n from modero
science, hidden from all religions, hidden from
statesmen, heads of state, and the world's rulers, hidden
from the public- yes, and hidden from YOU!
One vital factor of knowledge hidden from the world
is knowledge of the CAUSE of a lasting world
PEACE-and, conversely, knowledge of the CAUSE of the
lack of it!
Another vital factor of knowledge hidden from the
world is the true MEANING of life-the PURPOSE for
which humanity was put here on the ea rth. Another is
the REASON why man can invent such marvelous
machines, can fly to the moon, yet CAN'T SOLVE hi s own
problems here on earth.
The Bible is our Maker's
(Continued on page 38)