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Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
of course, in Japanese, but after
every sentence the interpreter trans–
Jated the sentence into English. And
vice versa. Of course the whole thing
was in my honor, so 1 was the chief
speaker. Both Stanley Rader and
Osamo Gotoh spoke briefly.
1 had said earlier that l was not
going to plan ahead what to say, or
speak from any notes. 1 knew the
living Christ would put into my mind ·
what 1 should say-and He did!
There wer.e at least a half dozen
ambassadors representing other na–
tions present (with their wives). So 1
knew that a number of different reli–
gions were represented.
Suppose you were to be asked to
stand up and speak to sorne 300 high–
ly distinguished people, sorne believ–
ing the Buddhist, Shintoist, lslamic
or Taoist religions, not knowing any–
lhing about the true Goo, and you
knew thal Jesus Christ wanled you to
proclaim to them the good news of
the KJ NGDOM OF Goo. And you had
lO get this gospel message over lo'
these important people.
Jusl how would you go about il? lf
you had two or three days before–
hand to lhink and plan what lo say,
what would you say?
1think all of you ought to KNOW a
little about how Jesus Chrisl leads
His chosen apostle to do it.
1 KNEW lhe living Christ
guide me. Like you, 1 am only hu–
man- but 1 TRUSTED lhe living Je–
sus. He did put in my mind what to
1 mentioned that 1 do have prí–
vate meetings wilh many heads of
nations- that 1 talk with them
about thei.r problems and world
problems. That their problems are
greater than any of them have
power to solve. I then said 1 had
read a n editorial in one of the
world's leading
magazines that
said our "world problems and evils
are now so great it would seem that
lhe world's ONLY HOPE lies in the
intervention of a GREAT HAND FROM
SOMEPLACE." In t hi s manner 1
brought to the attention of these
many government officials of differ–
ent religions the supreme Goo–
and 1 then explained that this great
"Unseen Hand " was the unseen
Creator who made of one blood all
of the nations represented in this
1 did nol know until 1 stood up
before the loudspeaker microphone
that 1 would say that. Bul you see,
Jesus Christ put words in my mouth
that showed them 1 was speaking of
the SUPREME CREATOR, regard)ess of
tbei r religion. Jesus gave me the
words to show Goo's POWER witbout
offense to any because of bis religious
1 then said many consider me an
ambassador without portfolio (that
is, no official political authority). But
in fact, 1 told them, 1 was an official
ambassador of the GREAT Goo who
created us all . And 1 brought them
from Him GOOD NEws-news of the
hope- that we are now
in the very LAST DAYS of this present
man-made civi lization, with more
problems and evils than mankind
and sel up lhe WORLD RULING
KINGDOM OF GOD-lhat we shall
then have world peace, happiness,
JOY-and economic ABUNDANCE for
1 said: " 1don't ask you to BELIEVE
what 1 say. We humans won't bring
this about-it will be done to us
-and in spite of us- whether we
believe it or not- whelher we want it
or not. But 1 have just announced it
to you, and it definitely shall hap–
Thus, in few words, and even
waiting at every sentence for the in–
terpreter to repeal it in the Japa–
nese language, Jesus Christ through
me delivered the gospel of the King–
dom to sorne 300 of the leaders of
Japan and severa! other nations.
And 1 might mention THIS is
what the attorney general 's office in
California is trying to call "siphon–
ing off millions of dollars every year
for my own use." In the past two
years we have not spent one tenth
. of $1 mill ion on this important
Work of carrying the GOSPEL into
nations worldwide.
For the past 1Oyears, this part of
the Work has cost less than $1 mil–
lion a year-whereas our budget
calls for SEVERAL million dollars per
year for SALARIES lo ministers and
the_staff at headquarters- several
million for radio, for TV, for print–
I must break off now and hurry
into a business suit-for I am to have
a meeting in less lhan two hours with
Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira. 1
have met and visited with every Jap–
anese prime minister in the past 1O
years- Prime Minister Eisaku Sato,
Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka,
Prime Minister Takeo Miki, Prime
Minister Takeo Fukuda and now
Prime Minister Ohira. I have been
highly honored in Japan.
There's the saying that a prophel
is nol honored in bis own country.
That's where the PERSECUTI ON
comes from. But here, 1 am honored
unofficial non-Japanese.
Perhaps the most important news
of all that 1can give you of this trip is
that definite ·plans are under way for
me to make an official visit to CoM–
MUNIST CHINA-officialJy the
People's Republic of China, in com–
pany with two or three of the highest
membcrs of the Japimese Diet. Two
of the high-ranking members of Ja–
pan's law-making Dietare definitely
working on arrangements. The trip
will be made in our own G-Il jet, and
probably in August. Prívate meetings
are being set up with the Communist
Party Chairman and Prime Minister
Huo Guofeng and the deputy prime
minister, Deng Xiaoping.
As you know, I have been waiting
a long time for Jesus Christ to open
doors- JF He wanted His apostle to
go to the LEADERS of China and lhe
Soviet Union. Of course, 1can' t know
yet what Christ may have in mind,
but He is able to open doors wherever
He wants me to go as His ambassa–
dor and apostle.
Plans are now being made for a
visit with the government heads and
many other leaders in a country 1
have not yet visited-Tunisia, on the
southern shore of the Mediterranean
Sea, west of Egypt. And, of course, 1
already have had a personal meet ing
with President Anwar Sadat of
Before leaving Japan on this pres–
ent trip, 1will have further meet ings
with a few other Japanese leaders.
This has certainly been a very suc–
cessful lrip.
1close asking you lo conlinue your
earnest and fervent prayers for me
and the Work. o
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979