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Britain is rapidly headed toward that prophesied desola–
tion now]: among the tribes of Israel
have 1 made known
that which shall surely be" (Hosea 5:9).
Also, God said of Britain and America: "Ephraim, he
hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake
not turned [half-baked]. Strangers have devoured bis
strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here
and there upon him, yet he knoweth not. And tbe pride of
Israel testifietb to bis face: and they do not return to the
Eterna! their God, nor seek him for all this. Ephraim also
is like a si lly dove without heart: they call to Egypt, they
go to Assyria [Germany]. When they shall go, I will
spread my net upon them; 1 will bring them down as the
fowl s of the heaven;
wi/1 chastise them,
The Wor/d Tomorrow
broadcast warning! (Hos.
7:8- 12.)
They Wlll Realiza
Sorne day, people will wake up to REALIZE this is the Work
of Goo!
Of British churchianity, God says: "The Ephraimites
are wedded to idolatry; LET THEM ALONE!-a drunken
band, a lustful company, in !ove
with shameful worship,
not with my glory. When the whi rlwind sweeps them off,
they shall feel shame for their altars" (Hos.
Moffatt translation) .
God says, " 1 withdraw to my own place,
they feel
their iniquity and seek my face, searching for me in tbeir
distress, crying, 'Let us return to the Eterna!, for he has
torn us , he will heal us, he has wounded, he will bind us
up: in a day or two [Authorized Version- after two days]
he will revive us, and on the third day he will raise us to
live under bis care" (Hos.
Motfatt translation).
The coming Great Tribulation probably willlast about 2'h
years- the " Day of the Lord" about one year-then
comes the RESURRECTION and second coming of Christ!
The entire book of Hosea carries a blistering message
and warning to the 8RJTISH PEOPLE TODAY!
You Can Escape This Punlshment
God warns us through prophecy that our sins are fast
increasing. And now the
day of reckoning
is here! T he
foreign sword already has attacked us. In this fearful ,
awesome atomic age, World War 111 will
nuclear devastation unleashed on London, Birmingham,
Manchester, Liverpool, New York, Washington, Phila–
delphia, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, without warning!
God help our nations to wake up befare it's too late!
Yes, we are God's chosen people ISRAEL!
Think what
that means!
Chosen not for favors while we defy our
· God, but chosen for SERVICE we have failed to per–
We should shout for joy at the discovery of our true
identity- and we should be brought to REPENT-and to
TURN TO Goo-and to get back of this crusade by radio
and by printed word to WARN our people, and to call
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979
upon God in REAL heartrending prayer for divine deliv–
The sevenfold INTENSITY of punishment now soon to
come upon the American and Bri tish peoples is simply
the prophesied ÜREAT TRIBULATION! l t will be the most
frightfully intense PUNISHMENT, and time of TROUBLE,
ever sutfered by any people!
Yet YOU need not suffer in it.
This terrifyingJy severe PUNISHMENT is simply the
CORRECTION our peoples have made necessary to bring
them to the ways of living which cause desired blessings,
instead of terrible curses.
is CORRECTION- for the
peoples' GOOD!
As Goo LJVES, this punishment is soon to strike! This
series has given the WARNING from God and Hi s
Will the U.S. and British nations HEED? They could
yet avert tbis colossal national tragedy, IF they
But if
now reading this,
as an indi–
vidual- will be corrected, voluntarily, befare God lets
this indescribably horrendous chastening strike; if vou
come lO real REPENTANCE, realizing HOW TERRIBLY
have been; if you can see yourself as you
really are- as a rebellious wrong, evil person; and if you
can SURRENDER to the loving, a ll -merciful , yet all–
POWERFUL God-and make it an UNCONDITIONAL sur–
render, coming to Almighty Goo through the living
Jesus Christ as personal Savior- then NO. PLAGUE shall
come near you (Ps.
91:8-11 ),
but you shall be accounted
worthy to
all these frightful things and to STAND
befare Christ at His return (Luke
T hose in the true Body of Christ shall be taken to a
place of SAFETY, until this tribulation be over (Rev.
applying to those faithful in Goo's WORK now
going to the world; Rev.
12: 14;
But you must make your own decision-and to NE–
GLECT doing so is to have
the WRONG deci–
Most people, we know only too well, will take this
SERIOUS WARNING lightly-put it OUt of mind-turn to
other immediate interests of no importance by compar–
ison! That is why a loving, just, all-wise, all-POWERFUL
Goo is going to
take away f rom them
these unimpor–
tant counter-interests, and apply such intensified COR–
RECTION that they
finally, come to their senses,
and turn to Him and His
AY which will bring them
eterna! happiness and abundant blessings!
But vou
need not
have to sutfer this intensified cor–
rection, greater than any trouble ever sutfered by hu–
By God's direction and authority, l have laid the
TRUTH befare you! To neglect it will be tragic beyond
imagination! To heed it wi ll bring blessings, happiness
and GLORY beyond description!
The decision is now YOURS! o