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A new British Prime Minister sits in Downing Street. Wi/1 she be more successful than her
predecessors in pulling Britain out ofeconomic stagnation and putting the beleaguered isle on a new
road to prosperity? What does Bible prophecy say?
ritain has a new Prime Min–
ister. On May 3, Conserva–
tive leader Margaret
Thatcher (photo above) and
her Tory party swept into power with
a comfortable 43-seat overall majori–
ty in the newly elected House of
Commons. The new Tory govern–
ment. replaces the minority Labor
government of James Callaghan
which had lost a vote of confidence in
March, precipitating the early na–
tional balloting. Mrs. Thatcher thus
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979
Keith W. Stump
becomes Britain's (and Western Eu–
rope's) first woman Prime Minister.
Awesome Challenge
Before Mrs. Thatcher lies a chal–
lenge of no small magnitude. For
never has a modern industrial econo–
my lapsed into such stagnation as has
Britain and then been able to regain
its original strength and vitality.
Once " Great" Britain is today the
"sick man" of Europe. It is a nation
courting disaster, seemingly bent on
a suicida! course. The widespread
disruptive strikes of public-service
and other workers inside Britain this
past winter- the worst such strife
since World War 11--demonstrated
this with unmistakable clarity.
Possibly the most glaring outward
sign of the " British sickness" was the
much publicized nationwide strike by
garbage collectors. Yet the malodor–
ous mounds of black plastic sacks
piled high on sidewalks throughout
the country were but symptomatic-