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period of time). lt takes severa! days
for the body to rid itself of most ciga–
rette poisons, and it usually takes
from six months to a year for a per–
son who has not smoked too many
years to regain clean, healthy lungs.
Give your body a chance to heal.
Seek additional information and
suggestions f rom health agencies or
Not ever.yone responds exact–
ly the same to various aids, activities
or gimmicks. Ideas that have worked
for others may or may not help you.
(For instance, drinking lots of fruit
juices or chewing gum helps sorne,
but not others.) The major key, how–
ever, is strong motivation.
Tap Unllmlted Splrltual Help
Many individuals have quit smoking,
on their own power, for purely physi–
cal reasons such as health, finances
or the !ove of one's family.
However, the greatest motivation
of all for overcoming any problem or
sin is coming to understand and striv–
ing to fulfill the awesome purpose of
life for which God put you on the
The Plain Truth
is dedicated to
showing how that purpose relates to
every activity in life. That awesome
purpose is developing Godlike char–
acter with God's .help-developing
the very mind, outlook and thinking
of God and Christ so one can eventu–
ally be born into God's own family.
Many articles in
The Plain Truth
deal with this subject. We also offer
many booklets and reprint articles
(such as the booklet
Why Were You
sent free of charge.
God's Word-the Bible- also re–
veals powerful spiritual weapons that
a true Christian can utilize to over–
come smoking or other equally addic–
tive habits.
The first is: Humble yourself be–
fore God and pray about your prob–
lem. God is concerned and respects
those who fear Him (Psalms 103:11-
14). He will help those who repent of
their sins and turn to Him (lsaiah
Ask God for the additional help
and strength to overcome, so you can
glorify Him and His purpose for you
in life." ... Work out your salvation
[for deliverance] with fear and trem–
bling. For it is God which worketh in
you both to
and to
of bis good
pleasure" (Philippians 2:12-13).
Here are sorne other Bible princi–
pies or promises to keep in mind in
overcoming the smoking habit.
"Let not sin therefore reign in your
mortal body, that ye should obey it in
the lusts thereof' (Romans 6:12) .
" ... For of whom a man is over–
come, of the same is he brought in
bondage" (II Peter 2: 19) .
" ... Be not conformed to this
world [age or system of things], but
be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind .. . " (Romans \2:2).
" .. . Put off concerning the for–
mer conversation [conduct] the old
man, which is corrupt according to
the deceitfullusts; and be renewed in
the spirit of your mind; and that ye
put on the new man, which after God
is created in righteousness and true
holiness" (Eph. 4:22-24).
' ' . .. Let us !ay aside every weight,
and the sin which dotb so easily beset
us, and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us.... Ye have not yet
resisted unto blood, striving against
sin" (Hebrews 12:1, 4).
"Let us therefore come boldly unto
or lifelong process?
What is conversion? ls it a matter of
adopting the religious beliefs of a
particular church? ls it a "born–
again" experience? Contrary to
popular belief, the Bible teaches
that lhere is more to conversion
!han a singular evenl, a one-time
change or experience. In the book–
Just Whát Do You Mean-Con–
Herberl W. Armstrong
supplies valuable insighls on the
subject. To gel your copy, return the
Literature Request card in this issue
or write lo
The Plain Trulh
al the
address nearest you.
the throne of grace, that we may
obtain merey, and find grace to help
in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
The apostle Peter said the Chris–
tian "no longer should live the rest
of bis time in the flesh to tbe
of men, but to tlie
of God.
the ti'me past of our life may suffice
us to have wrought the will of the
Gentiles, when we walked in lasciv–
excess of wine, rev–
ellings, banquetings, and abomina–
ble idolatries. Wherein they [the
unconverted] think it strange that
ye run not with them to the same
excess of riot, speaking evil of you"
(I Peter 4:2-4).
But what to do when we make
we confess our sins, he
is faithful and just to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all un–
John 1:9). God un–
derstands when we fall, but expects
us to get up and go on.
The Bible is literally loaded with
scriptures to motívate, inspire and
encourage a Christian to overcome
al! kinds of sins. Smoking is but one
sinful addiction to which humans can
fall prey.
As in overcoming any other evil,
an individual must do everything he
or she can to conquer it, but God
gives additional help to anyone wbo
earnestly seeks Him (James 5:16-
The Benefits
There are both physical and spiritual
reasons to avoid--or overcome- the
growing worldwide problem of nico–
tine or smoking addiction.
Think again of the many benefits
of avoiding-or quitting-smoking.
You will have better health. You will
enjoy good food more; fresh air will
be better. You will be a better person
to be around-and !ove.
You will also gain more self-es–
teem. Overcoming an enslaving habit
is a great stepping-stone to conquer–
ing other problems in life.
the final analysis, God is the
Author and Giver of life.
We hope you have the courage to
change your life, to buck the crowd,
to see throilgb the illusive advertising
and "glorify God in your body, and in
your spirit, ·which are God's"- NOT
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979