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ThePoP-e's ((Visionof theFuture":
In Vienna, Presidents Carter and Brezhnev held their long-awaited SALT II summit. But a far
more importan! "religious summit" was held afew days earlier in Po/and- a nine-day event that is
the beginning of a process that will shake Europe and the world to its foundations!
Vienna, Austria:
he pace of world events, criti–
ca! to the fulfillment of Bible
prophecy, is picking up with
electrifying speed . Within a span of
only 16 days, three distinct but defi–
nitely related developments have tak–
en place here in Europe. Together,
they present a picture of a continent
about to rediscover its historie roots
in an attempt to ensure its own salva–
tion in a disintegrating world.
Pope, Parliament, and Salt 11
First of all, beginning on June 2, the
dynamic new head of the Roman
Catholic Church made a precedent-
Gene H. Hogberg
shattering pilgrimage back to his
homeland behind the Iron Curtain.
Altogether, at least six million of his
countrymen assembled en masse at
various stops along the pope's nine–
day tour to applaud his triumphal
return to Pola nd. The enthusiastic
throngs heard the former archbishop
of Krakow, who calis himself history's
"fi rst Slav pope," call for the "spiri–
tual unity of Europe." As such, he
issued a bold challenge to the legit–
imacy of Communist governments
from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
Secondly, on June 7 and 10, about
120 million voters throughout the
nine nations of the European Com-
munity (Common Market) went to
the polls to choose candidates to di–
rectly represent them in the expand–
ed and, tbey hope, strengthened Eu–
ropean Parliament.
was the first time in history that
voters had been given the right to
vote for representatives toan elected
body operating on a leve! higher than
that of the nationa l state. Interest–
ingly, there are delegates to the new
European Parlíament who, unoffi–
cially at least, will be attempting to
" represent" the interests of those Eu–
ropeans still locked behind the Iron
Thirdly, on June 15-18, President
The PLAIN TRUTH August 1979