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ince coming here, " an
African student told an
American friend, "l 've
discovered the white man
has two gods--one that he
taught us about, and an–
other to whom he prays. A mission
school taught me that the tribal doc–
trines of my ancestors, who wor–
shiped images and believed in witch–
craft, were wrong and almost ludi–
crous. But here you worship larger
images- cars and electrical ap–
pliances. I honestly can't see the dif–
This disillusioned young man had
Roderick C. Meredith
Very few grasp the spectacular
difference between today's
Christianity and the original
teachings of Christ.
discerned that modern "Christiani–
ty" had strayed a long way from the
original teachings of Christ. Tbe re–
alization hit him like a thunderbolt.
Where Does Christ Come In?
But why have modero Christians for–
saken the simple teachings of Jesus
Let 's take a case in point. Jesus
Christ declared: "You have heard the
saying, 'You must ]ove your neighbour
and hate your enemy.' But I tell you,
love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you ..." (Matthew
5:43-44, Moffatt translation).
Do professing Christians in our
Western culture follow Christ by lov–
ing their enemies and turning the
other cheek (Matthew 5:39) as He
commanded? Of course not. That
would not be practica!, we are told.
The truth is that most of the
greatest and bloodiest wars in all his–
tory have been waged primarily in
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1979