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olomon once admonished: "Go
to the ant, thou sluggard; con–
sider her ways, and be wise:
which . . . gathereth her food in the
harvest" (Proverbs 6:6-8).
The tiny ant is indeed a remark–
able creature. In fact, the social orga–
nization and food-gathering abilities
of ants are utterly amazing.
Consider the tropical leafcutter
ant. These industrious insects harvest
leaves with a precision and determi–
nation that can quickly strip a whole
tree or shrub. Thc largest worker
ants from the colony snip the leaves
Robert A. Ginskey
into semicircular pieces of just the
right size to be carried off to tbe nest
by other workers.
The sight of a little ant struggling
to carry a large-sized chunk of leaf is
truly awesome; but the fact is, an ant
is unimaginably strong and can carry
100 times its own weight! An ant can
handle jobs which would be the
equivalen! of a man pushing a five–
ton truck with ftat tires up a steep
So what do the leafcutter ants do
with the leaves once they get them
back to the nest? No, they don't eat
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1979