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concept through which all knowledge
and truth was received.
At the outset 1 had to face the
question, "Does God exist?"
In the dormant recesses of my
mind, 1 had
the existence of
God from childhood teaching. But
this assumption seldom if ever carne
to the mental surface of active belief.
Now 1 realized it was an assumption,
taken for granted without question or
proof, because I had heard it, read it,
been taught it as a child.
Before I could give credence to
that now-questioned book supposed
to be His revelation to man, I had to
know whether "He" existed. This in–
volved new and in-depth research
into the question of "evolution vs.
special creation." Was evolution
or assumed theory? How
had most men in science and educa–
tion come to believe it?
1 knew, then, WHY most believe
what they do, and HOW they carne to
believe it! 1 went to "the trunk of the
tree" of the evolutionary hypothesis.
I read Lamarck, Darwin, Haeckel,
Huxley, Spencer, Vogt. 1 checked
thoroughly many works by learned
Ph.D.s-mostly for, a very few
against, the theory. When 1got to the
trunk of the tree- the one supposed
fact that could constitute
was easily chopped down. And all the
supporting branch arguments, hypo–
theses and explanations fell down
with it.
By laws of science, by logic, by
reason, by many PROOFS too numer–
ous for elaboration here, 1
my satisfaction, irrefutably and con–
clusively, that the living God exists.
No longer was this careless assump–
tion, taken for granted on hearsay.
Nor was it, for that matter, what 1
to believe- for it
was leading directly into that which 1
did not want
to believe.
The research continued-virtually
night and day-often until 1 or 2
A.M. I found incontrovertible PROOF
of the inspiration and authority of
the Maker's lnstruction Book to the
humanity which is the product of His
To my mortification and chagrín,
discovered my wife had been correct.
1 was not, now, taking carelessly for
granted what 1 had heard, read or
been taught. 1 was not "going along"
with my crowd, club, group. 1 was
not accepting only what 1
beliéve or rejecting that against
which I was prejudiced. 1 was getting
proveo FACT in a humiliating and un–
wanted manner. But 1 hadan analyt–
ical mind, trained in examination
and logic.
My shocked disillusionment ran
much deeper. Many of the teachings
of traditional Christianity 1 remem–
bered from boyhood now proved to be
diametrica/ly contrary to the bibli–
cal record.
But now 1 made two
1 began to UNDERSTAND WHY the
scholars of higher education and of
science, almost en masse, disbelieved
in God and rejected the authority of
revelation-at least
of the rea–
sons why. They ASSUMED that the Bi–
ble taught what traditional Chris–
tianity was teaching-and these
teachings were contrary to their
trained scientific thought. Of course,
other factors entered into their rejec–
tion. They had carelessly ASSUMED
what they were taught in the educa–
tional process. They were accepting
what they
to believe, refusing
to believe what they didn't. There
was the factor of prejudice. There
was the factor of "belonging"-go–
ing along with their supposed intel–
lectual associates. There was the ap–
peal to intellectual vanity. There was
the FEAR of what their scientific and
educational colleagues would say.
And now 1 myself faced that dis–
turbing question.
1 accepted the Bible and its wAY
OF LJFE, for l discovered that was
precisely what it IS- the Maker's in–
struction in the right wAYOF LIFE–
what would my former business col–
leagues think?
My life's one burning ambition
had been to attain status in their
eyes-to be considered "important"
by these executives whom I consid–
ered important.
meant giving up
my life's ambition!
meant giving
up everything 1had considered desir–
able and important, everything to
which 1 had attached value.
But now 1 began to realize 1 had
previously had a false sense of values.
I began to see how most of humanity
is pursuing false values which never
Vanity was wounded. But I began
to realize vanity is a false value.
1 had to make a decision. It was
the most difficult, the most painful
decision of my life. 1 saw, now,
1 had been. And to admit one
is wrong is perhaps the most difficult
thing in life. Vanity is SELF-and
SELF doesn ' t want to die.
It was humiliating.
was painful.
But my mind had been opened. My
choice was to accept' what 1 now
knew to be TRUE or deliberately re–
ject it and try to bolster up argu–
ments and reasonings I knew to be
false to deceive others. Tha t 1
couldn't do either.
[ made the painful decision.
But the other really great
discovery was this: In this "book no–
body knows"- this book rejected
through prejudice and willful igno–
rance-1 found, at last, the
to the really big and haunting ques–
tions of man's unhappy state in this
1 found the CAUSES of humanity's
ills! 1 found the reason why religion
has not solved those ills. 1 learned
how our human problems
are going
to be so/ved!
1 found truth
that made
1 found what neither science, nor
education, nor religion, nor govern–
ment, nor sociology can give you: THE
ANSWERS to all these fast-escalating
problems. That is why
The Plain
speaks out todaywith a
voice of AUTHORITY in a world so
woefully needing this positive ASSUR–
We did not cometo believe what
we believe in the usual manner. And
everything about this great world–
wide Work of true education is as
as the manner in which we
were led intO true UNDERSTANDING.
My study and research into truth,
started in the autumn of 1926, has
never ceased. Like it or not- and at
the time,
I didn't- 1
had found the
to accept. lt was the FOUNDATION of
true knowledge. We have built on
that foundation. We are still build–
ing. We are still eliminating error
wherever found.
And now, more than 50 years later,
this knowledgeand TRUE WA
is being
heard or read by millions worldwide.
Untold thousands of human lives have
been changed, enriched, made more
useful and happy.
The Plain Truth
recognizes that the