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"Because they had not executed
judgments, but had
statutes, and had polluted
sabbaths, and
their eyes were after
their fathers'
idols" (verse 24).
That's why! Did it make any DIFFERENCE?
But now continue on in this amazing prophecy! Notice
the prophecy FOR US, TODAY!
Speaking of a time, sometime soon, in ouR time, God
says to OUR peoples: "As I live, saith the Lord Eterna!,
surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm,
and with FURY poured out, will 1 RULE OVER vou" (verse
The expression "fury poured out" refers to the SEVEN
LAST PLAGUES, at the very time of the second coming of
Christ (compare Rev. 16:1). The time when Christ will
RULE over us is at and after His second coming. So this,
then, is a PROPHECY for OUR TIME!
Every prophecy in the Bible showing
our people
(Israel) will be, at the second coming of Christ and the
coming great exodus back to Palestine, pictures them
captivity and slavery
Continue the prophecy: "And 1 will bring you out from
the people, and will gather you out of the countries where–
in ye are scattered ... with FURY POURED OUT. And
bring you into the wilderness of the people [COMING
EXODUS- Jer. 23:7-8], and there will
plead with you
FACETO FACE" (verses 34-35).
Notice it! This is the Word speaking-CHRJST! He will
then be on earth again in person! And then He is going to
plead with our people FACE TO FACE.
lt's time to awake to the
and the stark
Perhaps only one lone voice is warning you! But God
used one lone voice to warn the world in Noah's day; one
lone voice in Elijah's day; one tone voice in the day of John
the Baptist; and after John the Baptist was·put in prison,
one voice in the person of Christ Himself! Jf you rely on
the majority of sinning people, you will suffer their penal–
ties with them!
Notice how He will plead!
"Like as l pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of
the land of Egypt, so will 1 plead with vou, saith the Lord
Eterna!. ... And 1 will purge out from among you the
rebels, and them that transgress against me ... and ye
shall know that I am the Lord" (verses 36-38).
How did He plead with them? He pleaded: "Hallow MY
sabbaths, instea<tof your fathers', so that you may KNOW
that 1 am the LORD." And those of us who do go into
Palestine shall KNOW HE is the LORD.
sball we know?
By His Sabbath sign!
Read verses 42-44 in your own Bible! He says our
people, when they are no longer rebellious and who will
then be keeping His Sabbath, shall remember their ways
in which they were defiled and shall LOATHE themselves
for their Sabbath-breaking!
This is pretty strong teaching! lt is the Word of God
speaking to vou! o
(To Be Continued)
Jesus said, "1 will build my church!" But does
Jesus Christ have many different church denomi–
nations doing His Work? ls Christ divided? How,
when, and where did today's religious babylon of
multiple denominations get started? And how
does one recognize the true Church? Our free
Where ls God 's True Church Today?
answers these questions. We think you'll find it
most enlightening. To request your copy, write to
The Plain Tru/h
at the address
nearest you. (See inside front
cover for addresses worldwide. )
Your copy will be sent as soon
as we receive your request.