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Personal from...
HowDoWeKnow theAnswers?
oday the whole world needs a voice to
in positive authority, with the A SWERS
to humanity's problems.
The Plain Truth
that voice. But how do we know the answers?
News media, TV documentaries, and books report the
news, describe the world's ills; WE make plain the
The Plain Truth
reveals the causes, gives you
the solutions, tells how these problems
wi/1 be
But how did
come to know?
Today people are bewildered. Tbey are told they must
adjust to living in a world of evils,
with no solutions!
Unrest, discontent, protest, violence are escalating. The
BIG question, now, is that of human survival!
In all this moral and social decay, people vent their
frustrations in politics. "Let's throw out the party in
power," they cry. They vote for a candidate who does
no better. People get behind movements-civil rights,
black power, the New Left.
Whittaker Chambers, writing in his book
said two faiths were on tria!. He said human societies,
like human beings, live by faith and die when faith dies.
He implied that this sick society needed a man whose
faith in it- in this sick society- was so great that he
would even give his life to defend it. He implied that he
was that man. And he implied that the issue was a test
of that faith against the equal faith of communism.
All history is the chronicle of man replacing one
unworkable and decadent system or culture with
another, equally unworkable.
In a United States presidential election, one man was
quoted as saying, "Thank God,
candidates can't
The Plain Truth
dares to speak out
dares enlighten its readers of the causes, and the
solutions that
wi/1 come.
It tells with positive assurance
that a world of PEACE-a happy, prosperous, joyful
WORLD TOMORROW- iS just around the corner!
this is no wishfulthinking!
But how d id we come to KNOw? We feel it ought to
be made plain to our readers
we carne to
UNDERSTAND. In the development of its organization,
worldwide operations, and u OERSTANDI G, this activity
is indeed unique. l know of no one-of no
organization- that ever approached these bewildering
questions in the same manner.
Often 1 have asked: How did
come to believe
what you believe? Few, indeed, ever stop to inquire in
retrospect HOW they carne to believe the things they
believe. Everyone has ideas, convictions, beliefs. And
others hold entirely
beliefs. Yet each is
certain, in his own mind, that he is right. What he
probably does not realize is
these ideas found their
way into bis mind.
Few realize that
of the things they believe were
simply taken for granted-carelessly assumed without
any proof whatsoever. They believe this or that because
they have "always heard it"- they have read it- or
been taught it. They simply accept it.
lodges in the
may be totally untrue, but they BELIEVE IT and
often would fight to uphold its supposed factuality. That
careless method probably accounts for 90 to 98 percent
of what is in the average mind.
Then, secondly, people believe what they
believe. They
to accept what they
want to
believe, right or wrong. Prejudice is a barrier to the
entrance of
or truth, into the mind.
One says: "My mind is made up--don't disturb me
Then, too, most want to "belong." They
go along with their group, their club, their party.
The system of education in this world is primarily one
of memory training. One is expected to accept without
question, and to believe, whatever is stated in the
textbook, or whatever is taught in class. When final
exams come along, one is graded not on having
investigated and proved or disproved what was taught,
but on having memorized and recorded the teaching
without question, true or false.
When scientists met at a convention, they agreed in
advance that nothing supernatural or miraculous was lo
be introduced or even
(Continuedon page 43)