Page 4382 - 1970S

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herever we look throughout the myriad forms of life on earth, we
ee evidence of the awesome genius of the Great Creator. Perhaps
owhere is stunning beauty and intricate design so apparent as in the
thousands of living creatures that exhibit camouflage, mimicry, and other
forms of protective coloration.
An excellent example of camouflage can be seen in the walking stick
insect, a creature shaped so much like an ordinary stick that it is difficult to
see on the trees where it feeds ; or the walking leaf insect, which looks re–
markably like a green leaf; or the dead leaf butterfly (see photos). Did such
creatures have the ability to plan and produce such perfectly executed cam–
ouflage? Or was a Supreme Mastermind at work here?
Mimicry, the impersonation of other creatures, represents an even