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back in time from Tyre and Sidon to
Sodom and Gomorrah.
was during
the days of Abraham that these two
cities reached the depths of homosex–
ual degradation. God destroyed them
by raining fire and brimstone upon
them and their environs. Destruction
was widespread and complete! That
area became a desolate wilderness,
and it remains so to this day.
The spiritual point is this: If Jesus
had come to even those two sin-filled
cities as the humble carpenter of Na–
zareth, but performing mighty works
and miracles, the ancient inhabitants
would have repented of their hurtful
and unlawful perversions, and those
cities would have been extant
years later.
Again, it logically follows that
God will give even those ancient sin–
ners an opportunity to enter His
Nlneveh To Be Reeducated
For the third time in Matthew's Gos–
pel, Jesus returns to the same theme
of "the day of judgment" (Matt.
in relation to the nonrepen–
tance of His generation. "The men of
Nineveh [an ancient Gentile city–
the capital of Assyria] shall rise in
judgment with this generation, and
shall condemn it: because they re–
pented at the preaching of Jonas
[Jonah] ; and, behold, a greater than
· Jonas is here" (verse 41).
This scripture is highly significant
and tells us much more than is readi–
ly apparent on the surface. Jonah's ·
ministry occurred in the reign
oboam the 11- 793-753 B.C.
( li
14:23) .
His warning to that
ancient Assyrian city must have been
sometime in the eighth century B.C.
The New Bible Commentary Re–
p. 747). At that time more
people resided in the
city of Nineveh (Jonah
Now let's ask a question: How
much did these ancient Assyrians
who heard Jonah know about Jesus'
generation prior to their death? The
answer is
abso/utely nothing.
lived hundreds of years
Christ 's first coming! How much do
they now know? Still absolutely
nothing! "The dead know not any–
thing" (Eccl. 9:5). How much will
they know when they are resurrected
after the millennial period? At that
moment , nothing!
Obviously they won't be able to
condemn Jesus' generation immedi–
will require a substantial pe–
riod of time for those resurrected
Ninevites to learn the history of Je–
sus' generation. And soaking up that
history will
logically, be the first
order of business after this great res–
urrection. Reorientation to the dif–
ferent conditions of life itself will
take sorne little time.
The Queen of Sheba
But the story does not end with the
Ninevites. Jesus caps off the subject
with a final spiritual comparison .
"The queen of the south [or, Sheba]
shall rise up in the judgment with
this generation, and shall condemn it:
for she carne from the uttermost
parts of the earth to hear the wisdom
of Solomon; and, behold, a greater
than Solomon is here" (Ma tt.
' 12:42).
Prior to this one, all theother exam–
ples in antiquity which Jesus gave
were individually anonymous. Christ
had reference to large groups. of
people- <:itizens of Sidon, Tyre, Sod–
om, Gomorrah , Nineveh- cities
whose ancient inhabitants' personal
names have long since been forgotten
(except,ofcourse, byGod Himself).
The Queen of Sheba was a Sa–
baean monarch who journeyed to Je–
rusalem in the tenth century B.C. to
test King Solomon's wisdom. She
very impressed (
The New
Bible Dictionary,
p. 1172) . But at the
time of her resurrection, the Queen
of the South will
know a thing
about the history of Jesus ' genera–
tion. That she willlearn over a period
of time.
All of these examples from the
book of Matthew (people who lived
in different generations) are coro–
pared to the. citizens living in the cit–
ies and towns of Jesus' generation.
Jesus tells us they are all to be
rected with
the generation that lived
in Jesus' time.
He gave enough word previews of
generations of people living at wide–
spread and different times in human
history to substantiate the fact that
most of humanity will be
a/ive to–
at the same time on this earth.
There will be pre-Fiood men and wo–
men, all the lsraelites (all lwelve
tribes, including lhe Jewish people;
see Romans 9-11 ), those who lived
during lhe Middle or Dark Ages, and
everyone living
even now
who for
whalever reason has nol had an op–
portunity lo accepl Christ and grow
toward salvalion .
These Festival& and You
If you are a true Christian and you
remain failhful unto dealh, you will
be privileged lo partake of a better
resurreclion (Heb. 11 :35) al Christ's
second coming. But whal about your
friends and relatives {living and
dead) who have known little of
Christ, His gospel, and the Kingdom
of God ?
Here is
your future /egacy!
reigning and ruling with Chrisl for a
lhousand years (Rev.
in a
world of generalion a fler generalion
of new people who have never lived
before, you will
be privileged to
see lhe resurreclion of your ances–
lors, kinfolk and acquaintances. You
will help teach them God's way of
salvalion .
These lhen are the vital meanings
of the annual festivals kept around
the globe by lhe Worldwide Church
of God. Can you begin lo see why its
members observe these annual sab–
bath days year a ft er year? When one
observes these annual festivals, he or
she is tasling the good powers of the
age to come! He or she is actually
acting out a preview of the wonderful
world tomorrow!
The above arhcle •lself is but a short
prev1ew of a full·sized booklet expla•n•ng
the whys and wherefores of these annual
holy days and fesltvals To the new reader.
many Quesl•ons probably remain unan·
swered: When
Chrislians observe
these holy days? What are the exac t cal–
endar dates? How may
gel in touch with
others who observe these holy days? All o f
these Questions-and many o thers-are
answered in !he attractively printed book–
let entilled
Pagan Holidays- or God 's Holy
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