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In the movie world, a preview is a high-spot, action summary
of a coming feature film. It is but a brief look at sorne of its
.contents. It only gives you a slight foretaste- just enough
footage to whet your appetite. The biblical feast days are no
different. They are but a type of good things to come.
peo ple
have the so–
called movie
habit. Teenag-.
ers go because
John Travolta
is starring in a
mod dance film. Their parents may
attend the latest John Wayne epic.
Or somebody just wants to get away
from it all for a couple of hours.
Whatever the reasons, moviegoing is
a worldwide phenomenon.
dyed-in-the-wool TV watchers go in
for an occasional night at the cine–
Sandwiched somewhere in be–
tween the cartoon and the main film
will be "Previews of Coming Attrac–
tions." Sorne feature films are
cranked into definite dates. Others'
John R. Schroeder
running dates are more indefinite.
They are sometimes introduced as
"Coming Soon to This Theater."
The events portrayed by the bibli–
cal holy days are in the latter catego–
ry. We don't know when, but we do
know whether. God's annual holy
days are foretastes of major times
and events
yet to cometo
the theater
of this earth!
Not ice what the apostle Paul told
the Colossian church: "Let no man
therefore judge you in meat, or in
drink, or in respect of
an holyday,
of the new moon, or of
the sabbath
are a shadow of things
to come .
"(Col. 2: 16-17). A shad–
ow is a representation or reflection
made by a solid substance interpos–
ing between the sun and another
body. The New Testament usage of
this term usually reflects Greek rath–
er than Hebrew thought. Colossians
2 uses the typically Hellenistic con–
cept of a
shadowy likeness
which is
but the counterpart of true reality yet
to come.
In a previous article ("These Are
the Appointed Feasts .. . ,"
Plain Truth ,
December 1978) , we
covered the first two annual holy
days and festivals in God's plan. We
explained the vital significance of the
Passover and the Days of Unleavened
Bread. But five annual festivals re–
main to be expounded.
Pentecost-The Coming of the Holy
The term Pentecost means "fiftieth"
in the Greek language. This is the
only annual sabbath whose exact cal–
endar date is determined by count–
ing. The fi rst New Testament Pente–
cost (see Acts 2) occu(red on the
day after Christ's resurrection.
PLAIN TRUTH March 1979