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principally seamen, and it is recorded Dan abode in ships
(Judges 5: 17).
When Assyria captured Israel, tbese Danites struck out
in their ships and sailed west through the Mediterranean
and north to Treland. Just before bis death, Moses prophe–
sied of Dan: "Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from
Bashan" (Deut, 33:22). Along the shores of the Mediter–
ranean they left their trail in "Den," " Don," and "Din."
Irish annals and history show that the new settlers of
l relaod, at just this time, were the "Tuatha de Danaans,"
which means, translated, "Tribe of Dan.' ' Sometimes the
same appears simply as " Tuathe De,' ' meaning the
"people of God." And in Ireland we find they left these
Dans-Laugb, Dan-Sower, Dun-daik, Dun–
Dun-gloe, Lon-don–
Din-gle, Dunsmor
(meaning "more Dans"). More–
over, tbe name Dunn in the l rish language means the
same as Dan in the Hebrew: judge.
But the northern colony of Danites was taken to Assyria
in the captivity, and thence with the rest of the Ten Tribes
they traveled from Assyria by the overland route.
After leaving Assyrian captivity, they inhabited for
sorne time the land just west of tbe Black Sea. There we
find the rivers
Dniester, and the
Then, in either ancient orlater geógrapby, we find these
the Dan-aster, the
dari, the
and the
down to the
Danes. Denmark
means "Dan's
mark. "
When they carne to the British Isles, they set up the
"waymark" names of
Dun-raven; in Scotland
the "Dans," "Dons" and "Duns" are as prolific as in Ire–
land. And so the "serpent's trail" of Dan sets up way–
marks that Jead directly to the British Isles!
Ancient Annals of lreland
Now briefly Jet us consider what is found in the ancient
annals, legends, and history of Ireland, and we shall have
the scene of Jeremiah's "planting" and the present loca–
tion of "lost" Israel.
The real ancient history of Ireland is very extensive,
though colored with sorne legend. But with the facts of
biblical bistory and prophecy in mind, one can easily sift
out the legend from the true history in studying anci.ent
Irish annals. Throwing out that which is obviously legend–
ary, we glean from various histories of Ireland the fol–
lowing: Long prior to 700 B.C. a strong colony called
"Tuatha de Danaan" (tribe of Dan) arrived in ships,
drove out other tribes, and settled there. Later , in the days
of David, a colony of the line of Zarah arrived in Treland
from the Near East.
Then, in 569 B.C. (date of Jeremiah's transplanting),
an elderly, white-haired patriarch, sometimes referred to
as a "saint," carne to l reland. With him was the princess
daughter of an eastern king and a companion called "Si–
mon Brach," spelled in different histories as Breck, Ber-
rebelled against Brit–
ish rule in 1776. Bib/ica/ prophecy stated that the lsraelite
tribe of Manasseh was to become a great nation, whi/e
Ephraim would become a union of "many nations."
ech, Brach, or Berach. The princess had a Hebrew name
Tephi- a pet name-her full name being Tea-Tephi.
Modern literature of those who recognize our national
identity has confused this Tea-Tephi, a daughter of Zede–
kiah, with an earlier T.ea, a daughter of Ith, who lived in
the days of David.
This royal party included the son of the king of Ireland
who had been in Jerusalem at the time of the siege. There
he had become acquainted with Tea-Tephi. He married
her shortly after 585-when the city fell. Their young son,
now about 12 years of age, accompanied them to lreland.
Besides the royal fami ly, Je remiah brought with them
sorne remarkable things, including a harp, an a rk, and a
wonderful stone called "lia-fail," or "stone of destiny." A
peculiar coincidence (?) is that Hebrew reads from right
to left, while English reads from left to right. Read this
name either way-and it still is " lia-fail."
Another strange coincidence-or
it just coinci–
dence?-is that many kings in the history of lreland,
Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over
PLAIN TRUTH March 1979