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Then came the time Qf the creation
was a vital connection between the
creation of angels and the creation of
the material universe. For that, too,
was created on the OUALITY princi–
To illustrate, l compare this physi–
cal creation to the manufacture of
unfinished furniture-sold in stores
of most cities. Such furniture may be
of fine quality, but lacks the finishing
polish, paint or whatever.
So God created the heavens and
the earth- the universe with its
countless planets in innumerable so–
lar systems and galaxies, including
planets such as our Earth, Mars, Ju–
piter, Saturo, etc.
Genesis 1:1, where "heavens" is in
the plural in original Hebrew and
modero translations, together with
Genesis 2:4, which speaks of
" ... the heavens and the earth when
they were created, in the day that the
Eterna! God made the earth and the
heavens,'' indicates the earth was
created as part of the material uni–
verse- all simultaneously created.
Other scriptures imply this.
But, like the unfinished furniture,
the universe, including the earth, was
not at that time completed. Angels
had been created prior to the uní–
verse, because they sang together and
shouted for joy at earth's creation
(Job 38:4-7).
A Double Duality
Now wc cometo the fact of a double
DUALITY in the creation of angels and
of the earth. For the earth was inhab–
ited by angels prior to the creation of
man. Apparently God placed a third
of the created angels on earth. They
were given opportunity to share in
God's creating activities by FINISII·
tNG the earth- working in and with
its many elements, improving, beau–
tifying, completing it.
This required harmonious team–
work- all working together toward
the common God-ordained goal. T he
earth was the
proving ground
QUALI FY them, by righteous CHAR·
ACTER development and finishing
earth's creation, to share with God
the same creative participation in
completion of the myriads of planets
of the vast universe.
The PLAIN TRUTH March 1979
To regulate this effort of the an–
gels, God placed on earth's THRONE
the archangel, the cherub Lucifer, to
administer the GOVERNMENT OF Goo
over the angels.
J repeat: That GOVERNMENT is
based on God's spirituallaws- as
governments are based on a constitu–
tion of foundational law.
God's spiritual law is
the way
God's holy, righteous CHARACTER.
Angels Led into Rebellion
The third of the angels (Revelation
12:4) on earth
their crea–
tion by developing
( Il
Peter 2:4). The super–
archangel Lucifer (lsaiah 14:12-14)
had been perfect in all his ways from
the day of his initial creation, till in–
iquity-lawlessness- was found in
him. "Thus saith the Lord God; Thou
sealest up the sum, full of wisdom,
and perfect in beauty. Thou hast
been in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone was thy cover–
ing ... in the day that thou wast
created. Thou art the anointed cher–
ub that covereth; and
have set thee
so: thou wast upon the holy mountain
of God; thou hast walked up and
down in the midst of the stones of
tire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways
from the day that thou wast created,
till iniquity was found in thee" (Eze–
kiel 28:12-1 5).
Lucifer was not satisfied with rule
over only the one planet- as the test–
ing ground to prepare him for
planets. He wanted to rule all at
once. He said, " ...
will exalt my
throne above the stars of God ... "
(lsaiah 14: 13). He had been created
with exceeding beauty, which "lifted
up his heart" in vani ty (Ezekiel
28: 17). He became lustful, jealous
and envious of God, decided on a
WAR of invasion, attempting to over–
throw God on the heavenly throne of
the universe. He led his angels into
rebellion. These angels "kept not
their first estate, but left their own
habitations"- meaning this earth!
(J ude
But Lucifer and his angels were
cast back down to earth (Revelation
The creation of this third of all an–
gels was
of evil
character within them completed.
Once their creation was completed,
being spirit,
they could never change!
And they are immortal!
The GOVERNMENT OF Goo no lon–
ger was operative on earth! Lucifer's
name was changed to Satan the devil.
His angels became demons. Their
minds had become perverted for eter–
Proof Three:
t must be as shocking to the reader
as it was to me to learn that NONE
of the religions or churches but the
Worldwide Church of God under–
stands both WHAT man
and WHY
humanity was put on the earth!
Science cannot give you the an–
swer. Modero higher education does
not know or teach the answer. And,
along with these basic and important
questions, WHY all the evils in this
chaotic and sick world, now facing
the number-one problem of whether
human life can survive through the
remainder of this 20th century?
ask, HOW can even the most
highly educated be
Earth's Face in Devastat ion
lnstead of improving, beautifying,
completing earth's creation, the sin–
ning angels brought it to desolation
and ruin.
Come now again to Genesis 1:1-2:
" In the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth. And the earth
was without form and void; and dark–
ness was upon the
of the
deep.... "
The original Hebrew for "without
form and void" is
meaning "waste, desolate, deterio–
rated." The word "was" may also be
translated "became." All was
oceanic su rface - and light had been
by angel lawlessness turned into
Let me here interject a biblical
principie. The entirety of a subject is
often not stated within the context of
(Continued on page 39)