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Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
we'd be glad to pul you on. What week
would you like?"
"Next week," Ianswered promptly.
And the next Monday morning 1
had my first experience with "mike
fright," but after five seconds or so 1
was breathing normal!y, and for the
first time Jesus Christ's true gospel
message was ON THE AJR!
When Thursday morning of that
week arrived, the announcer told me
that the station owner, Frank Hill,
wanted to see me. He had a handful
of letters.
"We've never received any mai l
from this morning devotional pro–
gram before," he said. He had lis–
tened to me that morning, said 1 had
a good radio voice and a voice per–
sonality, and he suggested 1go on the
air with a regular Sunday morning
half-hour program. He even contrib–
uted to tbe cost by cutting the charge
to $2.50 per program.
But where was 1 going to find the
$2.50 per week? 1 sent a letter to a
small number, mostly converted and
baptized from my preaching.
lhe BOTTOM of the Great Depression.
They were going to try to contribute
half of the $2.50 per week. 1 went
abead, trusting God on faith, to
supply the other half.
That program started the first Sun–
day in January 1934. One of the most
important things about the broadcast
was that it gave me the chance, at long
last, to acquire subscribers for my
dream magazine. lncidentally,
World Tomorrow
program has not
missed a broadcast in all these years.
But l still had no money to publish my
dream magazine.
Necessily, it is said, is the molher
of invention. 1went to the Eugene of–
fice of the A. B. Dick Company,
which sold mimeograph equipment. 1
bought stencils and asked if they
would Jet me use their mimeograph. 1
had to use the most inexpensive pa–
per. At a cost of less than $5.00, 1
"printed" on lhe borrowed mimeo–
graph machine volume 1, number 1
The P/ain Truth.
Circulation was
less lhan 350 copies.
1 offered it, gratis, to radio listen-
ers. The first issue carne out by Feb–
ruary l. Before anolher month wenl
by, lhe salesman at the A. B. Dick
office had come up with an old anti–
quated ancestor of lhe mimeograph,
which 1 could buy for $10. Somehow
that amounl of money carne in. That
machine was an old Neostyle, but an
even older model than the one pic–
tured on this month's front cover.
The words printed in that first is–
sue of my "magazine" are slill those
tbat go lo lhe world of 1979-only
more so.
stated: "We live loday in
the most tenuous hours of earth's his–
tory. Today we stand on the very
threshold of colossal events that will
stagger the mind of mortal man."
sti/1 do!
Only, the worst
is yet to come- to be followed by the
WORLD OF PEACE, universal prosperi–
ty and eterna! life offered to all!
I'm not sure J could have said
was a real strug–
gle, and a test of FAJTH, to keep both
tbe radio broadcast and
The Plain
But faith plus determined effort
was rewarded. We have never in
these many years failed to stay on the
air. Rather, by 1942, we started
radio broadcasting.
We did have to miss a few months,
along the way, in publishing
Plain Truth.
Meanwhile, tremendous changes
have occurred in world events. In the
past three or four years the thrones of
nations have been overturned on the
average of one a month. This was
definitely foretold in biblical prophe–
cy. God said, in Haggai 2:21-22:
"Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of
Judah, saying, 1will shake the heav–
ens and the earth; and 1 will over–
throw the throne of kingdoms, and 1
will destroy the slrength of the king–
doms of the heathen.... " That is
happening NOW!
And from here on- WHAT? You
will find it foretold in biblical proph–
ecy, explained and expounded in
Plain Truth.
Sorne of the world
events we forewarned of back in 1934
are finally shaping up NOW.
In all these years there has been no
magazine like
The Plain Truth.
None today!
A politically orga–
nized community or major terri–
torial unit having a monarchical
form of government headed by
a king or queen.
The phrase " kingdom of God,"
which appears frequently in the
Bible, is often heard in religious
circles. lt is generally assumed to
be a reference to heaven or to a
condition of mind held by believ–
ers. Almost no one would apply
the standard dictionary definition
of " kingdom"-a type of govern–
ment over a specific territory. Yet
that is precisely how the term is
most often used in the Bible. The
real meaning of the term "king–
dom of God" is far more inter–
esting and exciting than the
traditional vague concepts. The
Just What Do You
Mean ... Kingdom of God?
clearly explains what the King–
dom of God is and why it's im–
portant to you. For a free copy
write to
The Plain Truth
at the
address nearest you. (See inside
front cover
addresses world–
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979