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(Continuedfrom page 7)
promised tbe Jews a home- and we
have not been getting it!"
And thus the Zionist leader gave
answer to my friend, Sheik Hafiz
What Has Happened?
And now what has
May 15th the Bri tish mandate
ended. After 25 hopeless years of
trying to keep peace in the Holy
Land, the British gave up.
The same day the Jews in Pales–
tine declared themselves a nation !
They set up a republic. They called
it " ISRAEL."
Twenty minutes after this nation
carne into existence, President Tru–
mao in Washington-still May 14th,
Washington time-having swi tched
around from one policy after an–
other on Palestine and having just
abandoned the U.S. partition plan
for Palestine- dramatically an–
nounced United States recognition
of the new Jewish nation called
" ISRAEL." It seems the reason for the
hurry was to take this action ahead
of Soviet Russia, who thus was
forced to
fol/ow the United States
By dawn, May 15th, just a few
hours after the " Jewish state of
ISRAEL" had been proclaimed, Arab
air forces began dropping bombs oo
Tel Aviv, and the armies of Arab
nations began marching on Jerusa–
lem. Thus, while Jews in America
prayed for PEACE in Palestine, the
proclama tion of the "Jewish nation
of ISRAEL" was the signa! for
between that nation and surround–
ing Arab nations. There was no ush–
ering in of PEACE!
And the Almighty says, prophet–
ically: "All [nations] that burden
themselves with it [Jerusalem]" in
the day "when tbey shall be in the
siege ... against Jerusalem"-as the
Arab nations are now- "SHALL BE
The British have been burdening
themselves with it for 25 years. The
United States has been meddling,
interfering, burdening itself with it.
So has Soviet Russia and nearly
every nation on earth. The United
ations has been burdening itself
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979
with it. God says
"they shal/ be cut
in pieces"!
Not Prophesied Regatherlng
In God's own due time the Jews are
to be released from their per–
secutions, their harrowing trials, and
be reestablished within Pales tine IN
PEACE! But this is not that proph–
esied regathering of Israel!
This is merely a b lundering
human effort to do for themselves,
before the time, what they will have
to wait for God to do for them.
And this present movement, set–
ting up a nation of Jews and calling
it " ISRAEL," can only lead to more
bloodshed and more troubles!
In the first place, the new nation
that has declared itself in Palestine
Israel at a ll- it is only a
When the great prophesied ex–
odus occurs, it will be Israel and
And they will not do
it in their own defiant , embittered
power and strength; they will be
taken back, by Christ after His com–
ing, from a condition of slavery and
from the land of their enemies (see
Ezek. 39:25-27). At that time they
will take captive their captors and
rule over those who had been ruling
over them (lsa. 14: 1-3- see espe–
cially Moffatt translation; Jer.
30:16; 31: 11).
will be a greater
exodus than the typical one under
Moses-this one wi ll be under
CHRIST at His return! (Jer. 23:7-8.)
They will go back to Palestine weep–
ing, confessing their sins, loathing
themselves for having ignored and
transgressed against God, seeking
the MESSIAH whom they have re–
jected (Jer. 50:4-5; Ezek. 20:34-43).
They will then be converted,
changed from sinners into Spirit–
filled people living by God's laws
(Jer. 50: 19-20; Ezek. 36:24-28).
The Jews in Palestine, and this
new nation, fulfill NONE of those
But what a strange dilemma!
The Jews Are Not Israel!
Most people today do not seem to
know that the Jews are
but only a part of Judah. The first
place in the Bible where the word
" Jews" occurs, the Jews are at war
against ISRAEL (11 Kings 16:6).
Four whole books of the Bible are
devoted to showing the historie dif–
ference between the two nations
Israel and Judah. There were twelve
tribes of Israel, origina!ly. But after
Solomon died, the nation ISRAEL re–
jected her king, Rehoboam, son of
Solomon, and made Jeroboam, of
the tri be of Ephraim, king. Then the
one tri be of Judah
split offfrom the
nation Israel
and formed a NEW NA–
TION of their own (just as they are
trying todo again today), in order to
retain Rehoboam as king. This new
nation was called the kingdom of
JUDAH. The tribe of Benjamín and a
large portion of Levi then joined
Judah, leaving the TEN TRIBES in the
nation ISRAEL.
Pales tin e belongs, by divine
grant, to Abraham and his descen–
dants. But God rejected lshmael,
the father of the Arabs, from the
passed on, instead ,
through ISAAC. God also rejected
Isaac's eldest son EsAu, after he had
undervalued the birthright and sold
it to Jacob for a bowl of red soup.
The TURKS are the children of Esau,
and so they, too, have always felt
Palestine. belonged to them. But it
was given to Abraham, to Isaac. and
to Jacob.
how was it passed on
down? The dying J.acob passed the
birthright, and possession of Pales–
tine, on through the tribes of EPH–
and MANASSEH, sons of Joseph
(Gen. 48:4-5 , 15-16). He named HIS
NAME (Israel) ON THEM- Ephraim
and Manasseh.
ants today. the American and Brit–
ish peoples, therefore, who are truly
the national ISRAEL. The Jews come
from Juda h, and belonged to the
nation JUDAH , not the nation
For a complete exposition and
understanding of our national iden–
tity as the true nation ISRAEL, the
reader is referred to our special
The United States and Brit–
ish Commonwea/th in Prophecy,
free upon request.
But wha t a muddle! The Arabs
believe Palestine should be theirs
because they a re descended from
lshmael. The Turks want it because
they come from EsAu. The Jews
want it because they come from Ja–
cob. but through JuDAH! What a hot
firebrand it is! It may yet set the
whole world on fire!