Do you real/y get answers when you
pray? Do you know why
a real God
who sits at the con–
trols of this universe. He
is an active, living God.
He controls all power, en–
ergies and forces!
He sits on a magnifi–
cent throne overlooking a dazzlingly
beautiful courtlikecrystal-clear sea of
glass. He is surrounded by twenty-four
great, impressivespirit beings who are
His counselors. Immediately around
His throne are four more spirit beings
of even greater office, power and bril–
liance. At His right hand is the living
Out from His throne proceed light–
nings, thunders, voices- and angelic
messengers going to and from the
earth. For this is the throne of the true
God (Rev. 4: 1-6). He is the Almighty,
and the heavens reverberate with
thunder when Hespeaks.
Do You Know This God?
Are you familiar with the God de–
scribed above? Are you acquainted
with Him? Do you pray to this God?
For great and powerful as the true
God is, Hedelights in the man who will
seek to know Him, talk to Him in
prayer and serve Him!
God has created man in His own
and how you should pray?
Roderick C. Meredith
image. He wants mento draw close to
Him, to imbibe of His character, to
becomeHissons. TheGod of theBible
delights in the prayer of the righteous
(Prov. 15:8).
The trouble is, very few people now–
adays know the God of the Bible. They
have invented their own gods.
The personal Spirit Being of whom
Jesus spoke and to whom He prayed
they know not. The God who created
this earth out of spirit energy, the God
who actually sustains its physicallaws
and forces with His power-Him they
know not. The personal God of Abra–
ham, Isaac and Jacob, of Peter and
Paul, they know not. The grea
nor over men and nations- the One
who has made literally hundreds of
predi<;tions in Bible prophecy, who has
and is bringing them to pass- this liv–
ing God they know not.
However, you can absolutely prove
the existence and active power of this·
God if you sincerely want to. (Write
immediately for the free booklet
Does God Exist?)
Come to God Wholeheartedly
You should aggressively check and
prove the existence and active power
of God! He wants you to do this.
Without a thorough studyofGod as
revealed in His Word, you will always
be unsure of to whom you are praying,
if He is there, whether or not you can
really believe the specifics of His wi ll
as revealed in the Bible.
This process is a vital key. Without
it, you will simply be unable to put
your entire faith and being into your
" But without faith it is impossible
to please him: for he that cometh to
God must believe that he is, and that
he is a rewarder of them that dili–
gently seek him" (Heb. 11:6).
Notice that you must diligently
seek God!
Wbere would you seek God if not
in earnest prayer, in the real study of
the Bible, in observing and medita–
ting upon the creation of God-no–
ting the perfect design in nature, the
absolute, unchanging laws governing
the action of all physical things, and
tbe display of fantastic beauty, har–
mony and power evident throughout
tbe natural world? Also, you should
seek to know and understand God by
observing and exercising the spiritual
help and strength you will receive in
your own life as you begin to know
and to serve your Creator.
Finally, you should- with a thor–
ough background in Bible prophe–
cy-observe and come to understand
God's plan as He directly intervenes
in the affairs of the major nations of
this world.
For Jesus said: "Watch ye there–
fore, and pray always, i hat ye may be
PLAIN TRLJTf; February 1979